Edward Hand to David Shepherd, March 22, 1778: order
   for boats and powder for Clark's expedition ............ 41
William Bailey Smith to George Rogers Clark, March 29,
   1778: difficulties of enlistment of troops ..... ......... 42
George Rogers Clark to Edward Hand, March 30, 1778:
   delay caused by Indian troubles ...................... 43
George Rogers Clark to William Harrod, April 12, 1778:
   arrival of boats-assembling of troops-protection of the
   frontier ............................................ 43
George Rogers Clark to Edward Hand, April 17, 1778:
   assembling of troops at Wheeling-provisions for expedi-
   tion ............................................... 44
Edward Hand to George Rogers Clark, April 22, 1778: order
   for pork ...........................................  45
John Campbell to George Rogers Clark, June 8, 1778: treaty
   between the United States and France-England recalls
   ambassador from France-Parliament passes conciliatory
   measures-Howe abandons Philadelphia ............... 45
Edward Abbott to Sir Guy Carleton, June 8, 1778: inex-
   pediency of employing Indian allies ........ . ......... 45
Gabriel Cerr6 to George Rogers Clark, July 11, 1778: declara-
   tion of submission ............. ..................... 47
George Rogers Clark to the Inhabitants of Vincennes, July
   [131, 1778: employment of Indian allies by the British
   -treaty between United States and France--expedition
   against the Illinois country-offer of citizenship to the
   French ............................................. 50
George Rogers Clark to Jean B. Laffont, July 14, 1778:
   mission of Father Gibault and J. B. Laffont at Vincennes. 53
George Rogers Clark to Oliver Pollock, July18,1778: success
   of expedition against Illinois-use of bills of credit-
   friendliness of French ................................ 55
Oath of Inhabitants of Vincennes, July 20, 1778: oath of
   fidelity to Virginia and Congress ......................6
H. Perrault to George Rogers Clark, July 23, 1778: payment
   of note due De Rocheblave ........................... 59
Joseph Cesirre to George Rogers Clark, July 23, 1778: al-
   legiance to the American cause ........................ 61