supplies, 293, 345; commander at
  Fort Patrick Henry, cxxiv; in-
  structed to raise troops, 422; joins
  Clark, 186; loyalty of, 89; re-en-
  forces Linctot, 297, n. 1, 359, 360;
  sent to capture British supplies,
  i62, 292; signs: oath, 56, petition,
Boucher, Frangois, signs oath, 59.
Bounty, for: settlers, 406, troops,
  lxxxvi, 37, 219, 304, 387, 393, 397,
  412, 413, 593.
Bouquet, stockade built by, xlix, n. 2.
Boutetourt [BottetourtJ County, mi-
  litia of, 423, 434; order to lieuten-
  ant of, 416.
Bowman [Bomen, Debeaumanel,
  Abraham, quits service, 335.
Bowman, Isaac, carries letter, 614;
  commissioned ensign: 22, n. 2,
  lieutenant, 27; death of, 423; joins
  G. R. Clark, 332, 333; visited by G.
  R. Clark, 27.
Bowman, Colonel John, absence of,
  372; advises fortification of the
  Licking, 503; ammunition deliv-
  ered to, 531; antagonism of, to J.
  Todd, 527; authorized to work
  salines, 25, n. 1, Clark asks re-en-
  forcements of, 150; commissioned
  colonel, lvi, n. 4, 22, n. 2; contracts
  to furnish meat, 81; disappoints
  Clark, 332; drafts troops, 544; ex-
  pedition of, against Shawnee, cviii,
  300, 325, 332, 333; joins Clark,
  222; letter of, to G. R. Clark, cix,
  n. 2, 69, 150, 299, 331; letter to,
  from: J. Bowman, 309, G. R. Clark,
  69, 221, W. Linn, 332; letters sent
  to, 309; member of committee on
  petition, 14; promises aid to Clark,
  cviii, 150; 299, re-enforcements for,
  71; re-enforces Clark, 216; services
  of, xl, xli; mentioned, 42.
Bowman, Major Joseph, biog. notice
  of, 155, n. 1; asks exchange of T.
  Bentley, 306, n. 3; burnt by ex-
  plosion, 162; captures: Cahokia,
  122, 232, 613, 616, Danis, 261,
  Prairie du Rocher, 613, 615, St.
  Philippe, 613, 616; commander at
  Cahokia, 123, 129, 233, 235, 239,
  commissioned: captain, 27, major,
  163; death of, 155, n. 1, 360; en-
  lists troops, 117, 219, 220, 301, 355;
  holds election, 235; Journal of, 155,
  611; judge of court, 235; letter of,

  lo: J. Bowman, 309, (,. Brinker,
  614, G. R. Clark, 25, 71, 327, 1.
  Hite, lxxxv, n. 4, 332, J. Hite, 612,
  Mech Kigie, 311; letter to, from: G.
  R. Clark, 134, I. Hite, 332, Mech
  Kigie, 311; member of committee
  on petition, 14; ordered to' re-en-
  force Clark, 262; parade of troops
  of, 162; prepares for Detroit expe-
  dition, 327; present at conference,
  lxxxiv, 191, 286; re-enforces Clark,
  lxxv, 117, 137, 169, 265; reports
  Indian troubles, 17; returns to Ca-
  hokia, 266; serves in: campaign
  against Vincennes, 99, 139, 165,
  224, 275, 353, Dunmore's War, liii;
  throws up intrenchments, 160, 283;
  treats with Indians, 71; warns
  Indians, 311; warrant in favor of,
  25, n. 1.
Boyce, Louis, signs oath, 52.
Boyrin, Antoine, signs oath, 57.
Brachiers, see Brashers.
Brackenridge, H. M., View of Louis-
  iana, cxxxiv, n. 1.
Brackenridge, Hugh H, letter of, to
  G. R. Clark, 560.
Bradford, L., carries money to Har-
  rison, 538.
Brady [Bradies], Thomas, Indians
  camp on ground of, 248; notes sent
  to, 59; represents H. Perrault, 54.
Bramfield, carries letter for Clark,
Brant, Captain Joseph, leads Indian
  raids, clvii, clviii, 107.
Brashear, see Brashers.
Brashers [Brashear, Brashears, Brash-
  ier, Brachiers], Lieutenant Richard,
  carries letter, 41; commands: ex-
  pedition to Wheeling, 41, Fort
  Patrick Henry, xciv, 99, n. 1, 164,
  297; letter of, to G. R. Clark, 317;
  serves: on Vincennes expedition,
  99, under Clark, 353; stationed at
  Fort Clark, 354.
Brazeaux, Joseph, contribution of,
  to troops, 361.
Brazeaux [Brazeaue], Madame Uo-
  seph, Sr.,], contribution of, to
  troops, 361.
Brebin, John, prisoner, 112; serves
  under Hamilton, 111.
Brehm, letter of, to Haldimand, cx,
  n. 4.
Bribonne, John, prisoner, 112; serves
  under Hamilton, 111.