Brigg, Benjamin, works on fort, 521.
Brinker, George, letter to, from J.
   Bowamn, 614; visited by G. R.
   Clark, 28.
 Broadhead, see Brodhead.
 Brobston, Nicolas, works on fort, 522.
 Brodhead [Broadhead], Colonel Dan-
 iel, biog. sketch of, li, n. 1; ac-
 cusations against, el, n. 4, 591;
 advises: Clark to attack Shawnee,
 419, Craig to go to Philadelphia,
 512, 516; appointed to command
 western army, li; asked to release
 Gibson, 505; asks leave of absence
 for Craig, 514; commands Penn-
 sylvania regiment, xlviii; confer-
 ence of, with Clark, 548; congratu-
 lates Clark, 352; co-operation of,
 with Clark, 353, 509; dishonesty of,
 cl, cl, n. 3; expedition of, against:
 Delawares, clii, clvii, n. 1, 547, 548,
 n. 1, Indians, 366, Seneca, 352,
 Shawnee, 408, 419; forbids Gibson
 to join Clark, cli, 548, 551, 558;
 letter of, to: G. R. Clark, 352, 408,
 419, 509, 510, 514, R. George, 367,
 T. Jefferson, 494, president of con-
 gress, cli, n. 3, J. Reed, cl, n. 3; letter
 to, from: G. R. Clark, 366, 408,
 514, Fowler, 591, Hackenwelder,
 xxxviii, n. 5, G. Washington, cxlv,
 n. 2, 552; opposition: of, to Clark,
 cli, clii, to, 591, 592; ordered to
 aid Clark, cxlv, 551, 562; orders
 R. George to Pittsburgh, 352;
 report of, on western affairs, 562;
 resignation of, cl, n. 4; restraint of,
 on purchases, 538; returns to Fort
 Pitt, 591; sends Bowman's Journal
 to Washhington, 612; summons
 county-lieutenants, 510.
 Brooke, Benjamin, signs agreement,
 Brouilest, see Brouilet.
 Brouilet [Brouilest, Broulliettel,
 Louis, signs oath, 57.
 Brouilet, Michel, lieutenant in militia,
 91; signs oath, 56.
 Broulliette, see Brouilet.
 Brown, Doran, on Cumberland River,
 Brown, John, delegate to congress,
 619; letter of, to G. R. Clark, 620,
 623; letter to, from G. R. Clark, 208,
 621, 622.
Brown, Samuel, letter of, to T.
Jefferson, 4, n. 1, 627; letter to, from

    G. R. Clark, 3; petition of, to T.
    Jefferson, 502.
  Bryan, Daniel, death of, 23.
  Bryan, William, death of, 401.
  Bryan's Station, garrison at, 331;
    location of, 402; petition of inhabi-
    tants of, to G. R. Clark, 401;
    isettlement of, cxix, n. 1; stores at,
    540; see Elkhorn.
 Bryant, Robert, prisoner of war, 112;
   private in King's regiment, 110.
 Buchanan, Captain James, supplies
   provisions, 82; treats with Indians,
 Bucherville, Antoine de, signs oath,
 Buck Island, 317.
 Burgoyne, John, surrender of, 26, 218,
 Burron, Busron, see Bosseron.
 Butler, Colonel John, leads Indian
  raids, 107, 425.
 Butler, Mann, History of Kentucky,
   I xxiii, n. 1, 11, n. 1,34, n. 1, 36, n. 1,
   38, n. 1, 604, n. 1.
 Butterfield, C. W., History of the
   Girtys, xxii, n. 1, cxxxvi, n. 1; Wash-
   ington-Ir'ine Correspondence, el, n.

 Cadin, Jean Baptiste, signs oath, 56.
I Caffhe, Samuel, serves as volunteer,
Cahokia [Cahos, Cauhou, Cauhow,
   Cohas, Kahokais, Kahos, Kahous,
   Kohas, Koho, Kohokia, Kohokias],
   Bowman commander at, 123, 129,
   233, 235; British attack on, cxxxiv;
   Clark at, 129, 132; establishment
   of court at, lxix, ciii, ciii, n. 3, civ,
   n. 1, 235; garrison at, 65, 239, 300,
   354, 377; inhabitants of: ask aid of
   Clark, cxxxiii, furnish provisions,
   327; location of, 228; McCarty
   commander at, cxi, n. 1, 99, n. 1,
   138, 360; occupied by Bowman,
   lxiv, 122, 232, 612, 613; petition
   of magistrates of, to Clark, 410;
   threatened by Indians, 41 1; Tobac-
   co's Son buried at, 242; volun-
   teers from, 156, 266, 269; Williams
   commander at, 99, n. 1.
 Cain, settlement at, cxix, n. 1.
 Calaway, see Calloway.
 Calendar of Virginia State Papers,
   xciii, n. 2, xciv, n. 2, xcviii, n. 2,
   cxxxiv, n. 1, cxlvii, n. 2, cxlvii, n.