John, advises M. Cresap of Indian
   war, 7; commander of: Fort Dun-
   more, xix, West Augusta, 7; ex-
   change of, cliv, n. 7; Indian leader,
   xix, cliv, 554,559, 566; locates land,
Consola, Captain Herman, accom-
   panies Clark, cxxxviii, n. 2.
Continental Army, desertions from,
   366, 368, 408; divisions of, 387;
   draft for, 527, 540, 541; lacks cloth-
   ing, cxlviii, n. 1; non-support of,
   562, 563; see troops.
Continental Congress, appoints: G.
   Morgan, xxx, War commissioners,
   xliv, xlv; borrows money in Europe,
   384; calls on states to stop British
   trade, cl; frontier policy of, 1, n. 1,
   172; grants: land, cxlii, n. 3, sup-
   lies, xxxiv, n. 1, cxlix, 547; Indian
   policy of, xvi, xvii, xvii, n. 3, xxv,
   xxx; land policy of, xxv; letter
   from: D. Brodhead to president of,
   cli, n. 3, P. Henry to Virginia del-
   egates in, 72; petition to, by Ken-
   tuckians, xxi, cxxi; plans capture
   of Detroit, xiii, xxvii, xxviii, xlvii,
   xlviii, 1, n. 1, 106, 108, 109, 332.
Continental currency, depreciation of,
  xcviii, cv, 173, 300, 325, 330, 356,
  358, 379, 431, 444, 497; redemption
  of, xcviii, cvi, 356, 373.
Cook, visited by G. R. Clark, 24.
Cook, Lieutenant-Colonel, opposi-
  tion of, to Clark, clvi, n.1, 580.
Corn, trade in, cxix, n. 2, 2, 17, 40,
  407, 519, 520, 555.
Corn, Ebenezer, at Harrodsburgh, 21.
Corney, see Carney.
Cornoyee [Cournoyer], Pierre, signs:
  oath, 57, petition, 433.
Cornstalk, murder of, xlii, n. 2, Shaw-
  nee chief, xli.
Cornwallis, Charles, retreat of, 515.
Coulson, Captain, death of, 581.
Council, Indian, xiv, xxii, xxx, n. 3,
  xxxi, xxxiv, lxix, lxxii, xciii, 51, 98,
  107, 146, 179, 180, 338, 495; of War
  29, 30, 151, 155, 293, 375, 569, 596,
  599, 601, 602, 603, 604.
County clerk, salary of, 17.
Cournoyer, see Cornoyee.
Court, election of, 32 1; establishment
  of: at Cahokia, 235; Kaskaskia,
  lxix, ciii, n. 3, civ, 235; meeting of,

Court Martial, convicts soldiers, 29,
Cowan, John, at Harrodsburgh, 22;
   member of committee on peti-
   tion, 14; purchases goods, 325.
 Cox, Isaac, member of: council of
   war, 599, examining commission,
   519; signs report, 520; votes for
   expedition against Indians, 600.
Cracraft, Major Charles, ordered to
  await.Lochry, 584.
Craig, Major Isaac, biog. sketch of,
  511, n. 1; authorized to go to Phila-
  delphia, 511, 515; carries letter for
  Clark, 570; letter of, to G. R. Clark,
  511, 512, 516, 547; letter to, from
  G. R. Clark, 515; member of coun-
  cil of war, 601; obtains supplies for
  Clark, 547, 551; ordered to join
  Clark, 562; re-enforces Clark, clvi,
  n. 1, 578, 590; report of, on neces-
  sary stores, 512, 514; votes against
  expedition against the Indians,
Craig, 0. J., The Olden Time, xix,
  n. 3, cxlix, n. 6, 4, n. 1, 548, n. 1,
  591, n. 1,
Cramahe, Lieutenant-Governorletter
  of, to H. Hamilton, 175.
Crawford, Colonel William, at Pitts-
  burgh, xlv, n. 1, 556; promises aid
  to Clark, 504; visited by Clark, 548.
Creek Indians, hostility of, clxxvi.
Crepoux, Louis, signs oath, 57.
Cresap, Captain Michael, biog.
  sketch of, 5, n. 1; accused of murder,
  4. n, 1; exoneration of, 5; friend of
  Clark, 8; leads expedition against
  Shawnee, liii, 6.
Cresap, Thomas, biog. sketch of, 5,
  n. 1.
Crittendon, Major John, certifies
  letter, 599; member of committee
  on petition, 14; sent to Richmond,
Crockett ICrocket), Lieutenant An-
  thony, recruits troops, 355; serves
  under Clark, 353.
Crockett, Colonel Joseph, arrival of,
  exeected, 436, 504; enlists troops,
  41i, 510; invited to celebration,
  570, 571; joins Clark, clvi, n. 1,
  559, 578, 588, 590; letter of, to T.
  Jefferson, 510; member of council
  of war, 601; ordered to: defend
  frontier, 424, 514, Fort Pitt, cxliv,


