Fort McIntosh, establishment of,
  xlviii; militia assemble at, 592.
Fort Nelson, completion of, clviii;
location of, 587; see Falls of Ohio.
Fort Patrick Henry, garrison of, 354;
  see Vincennes.
Fort Pitt, Clark at, 28; Connolly's
  expedition against, cliv; Crockett
  ordered to, cxliv; defense of, xxxiii;
  Hand commander at, xlii, 66, 67,
  220; lack of supplies at, xiv, n. 3,
  511, 512, 515, 535, 536, 562, 578,
  591, 592; McIntosh at, xlv, xlviii;
  social life at, clv, 570, 571; threat-
  ened attack on, xxxiii, cx, 416;
  troops at, 106; value of land at, 2;
  weakness of, xiv: see Pittsburgh.
Fort Sackville, capitulation of, lxxxiv,
  186, 188, 193, 280, 289; garrisctn
  of, 110, 111, 112; repair of, 277;
  see Vincennes.
Fort Stanwix, Indian land grants at,
Fort Viya, destruction of, 492.
Fortiu, Joseph, contribution of, to
  troops, 361.
Foster, messenger, 1, 2.
Fouris, Frangois, signs oath, 59.
Fowler, letter of, to D. Brodhead,
Fowles, prisoner on Long Island, 204.
Fox Indians, alliance of, with Clark,
  66, 72, 125, 172, 258; expedition
  against, cxxxv; incited by Pota-
  watomi, 394; number of, xv, n. 1;
  proclamation of Clark to, 66;
  participants in council, lxviii.
France, cedes Canada to England,
  447; England seeks peace with, 88;
  fleet of, at Boston, 106; treaty of,
  faith: Spain, cxxv, United States,
  45,51,80,87, 174, 225,231,245.
Francis son of Tobacco see Tobac-
  co's son.
Frankfort Commonwealth, publishes
  Clark's correspondence, 114, n. 1.
Franklin, Benjamin, Works, 9, n. 1.
Fraser, John, serves under Hamilton,
  110; takes oath as prisoner, 112.
Frederick County, draft of troops in,
  cxlvii, 507; excused from western
  service, 517; lack of arms in, 504;
  militia of, cxliv, n. 1, 423, 486;
  order to lieutenant of, xxxiv, 486,
  487, 504.
Freeman, Captain, aid-de-camp to
  Reidesel, 196.

French, attitude of, towards: Ameri-
  cans, xlvii, xlviii, lvii, lxiv, cx, 31,
  52, 57, 73, 84, 218, 226, 230, 431,
  British, lvii, Hamilton, lxi; builds
  fort at mouth of Ohio, cxxii, n. 1;
  characterization of, 67, 184; desire
  independence, 439; dissatisfaction
  of, cxxiii; effect on, of French-
  American alliance, 174; enlist
  under Clark, lxix, 123, 239, 269,
  345,443; influence of, with Indians,
  224, 613, 616; land system of, 387;
  loyalty of, 319; parole of, Lxxxvi,
  171, 291, 334, 345; proclamation
  to, of G. R. Clark, 51; slaves of,
  227, 240; take oath of allegiance,
  122, 146, 234, 614, 616; trade of,
  30, 54, 79, 224; treatment of, civ,
  34, 35, 52, 54, 79, 84, 120, 130, 146,
  229, 248, 390, 430, 441, 444, 489.
French Lick, location of, 304.
Frornan's, settlement at, cxix, n. 1.
Furs, traffic in, 228, 571.
Gaffee [Gaffes], Jean Baptiste, com-
  missary,  10; takes oath as prisoner,
Gage, General Thomas, urges em-
  ployment of Indians, xviii.
Gagne, dispute of, with McCarty, 63.
Gagnier, see De Gagnier.
Gaigne, Abram, signs oath, 58.
Gaigne, Amable, signs oath, 57.
Gaignolest, Alexis, signs oath, 59.
Gallagher, Owen, serves under Ham-
  ilton, 110.
Galvez, Governor Bernardo de, aid
  of, to Americans, Lxvi, 38, n.;
  commander at New Orleans, 184;
  letter to, from H. Hamilton, cxxv,
  n. 1; military operations of, on
  Mississippi, cxxv, cxxvi, cxxow.
Gamelin [Gamelian], Indian agent,
  355; report of, to Le Gras, 435.
Gamelin, Paul, serves under Ham-
  ilton, 111.
Gamelin, Pierre, signs: oath, 5S,
  petition, 433, 449.
Garney, messenger for Brodhead, 353.
Garty, Simon, see Girty.
Gass [Gess], David, signs petition.
  400, see Giss.
Gauder, Rene, signs oath, 57.
Gautier [Goucheyl, forbidden to en:-
  ploy Indians, 327; returns to
  Green Bay, lxxxix; sends commis-
  sion to De Peyster, 67.