Point Pleasant, assembly of troops at,
  xlii; battle of, xxii, 4, n. 1; frontiers-
  men in, 11, n. 1.
Pollard, letter of, to G. Forsythe,
Pollock, Oliver, agent at New Orleans,
  lxvi, xcvi, 64, 81; aids: Clark, lxvii,
  55, 64, Montgomery, 498; drafts
  on, lxv, lxvi, lxvii, 173, 330, 379,
  496; enlists under Galvez, cxxvi;
  letter of, to: G. R. Clark, 330,
  P. Henry, xcvii, T. Jefferson, 388,
  J. Todd, 528; letter to, from: G. R.
  Clark lxvi, xcix, n. 1, 55, 64, 330,
  418, R. George, 496; mortgages
  property, xcvi; orders George to
  loin Clark, 367; protests bills of
  exchange, 330; redeems continental
  currency, xcviii; secures Spanish
  aid, lxvi.
Pomroy, John, elected member of
  committee on defense, 566.
Pondiac, importance of, 241.
Pope, Godfrey, murders L. Bliss, 3,
  n. 2.
Pope, John, describes G. R. Clark,
  627; Tour in the Western and South-
  ern Territories, 11, n. 2.
Pope, William, member of council of
  of war, 599; recommended for
  office, 528, 533; sells corn, 520;
  votes for Indian expedition, 600.
Pork, traffic in, 54, 59.
Post du Ouabache, see Vincennes.
Post Vincent, see Vincennes.
Potawatomi [Petavatomies, Pottawa-
  timas, Poues, Powtowautamies,
  Putowatomies] Indians, alliance
  of, with Clark, 72, 125, 172, 255,
  295; hostility of, 172, 394; letter to
  chief of, 311; number of, xv, n. 1;
  participate in council, xiv, lxviii;
  warned by Clark, 313.
Pothier [Potier], Father Pierre, blesses
  volunteers, 177.
Powder, see gunpowder, supplies.
Powel's Valley, Clark at, 24.
Powtowautanies, see Potawatomi
Prairie du Chien, Indian agent at,
Prairie du Rocher [Laprary der rush,
  Parraderushi, Parraderuski, Preara
  De Rush], Clark at, 133, 262; oc-
  cupied by Bowman, lxiv, 613, 615.
Pratte, note in favor of, 59.
Pravoe, messenger, 328.

Prendergrass, see Pendergrass.
Prescott, Alexander, prisoner, 111;
  serves under Hamilton, 110.
Presquille, expedition against, 560.
Preston, Colonel William, letter to,
  from T. Jefferson, 402, 434; pro-
  tects lead mines, 434.
Prevost, Pierre, letter of, to G. R.
  Clark, 394.
Price, Captain Benjamin, bill of
  exchange in favor of, 587.
Prisoners, classification of, 351; con-
  ducted to Virginia, lxxxvi, 99, n. 1,
  112, 139, n. 1, 146, 163, 171, 195,
  294, 310, 316, 322, 340, 345; ex-
  change of, 588; parole of, lxxxvi,
  lxxxviii, 171, 201, 204, 291, 334,
  345; take oath, 111; treatment of,
  340, 347 348, 349.
Proclamation, enforcement of, 94;
  of: Clark, 51, 53, 66, 91, 122, 148,
  277, 342, 346, Hamilton, 95, 185,
  337, 350, Todd, 431; posted on
  church, 95.
Proclamation of 1763, 14.
Proctor, Colonel John, elected mem-
  ber of committee on defense, 566;
  resignation of, 535; signs resolu-
  tions, 567.
Proveau, contribution of, to troops,
Provisions, see supplies.
Puan, see Winnebago.
Quebec, plan for attack on, xxviii,
  xlix; registry of land at, xxvi.
Quiqufte, contribution of, to troops.
Quirk [Quirks], Major Thomas, aids
  Linctot, 359, 363; at: Cahokia, 354,
  Kaskaskia, 326; joins McCarty,
  354; letter of, to: G. R. Clark, 359,
  G. Linctot, 360; member of council
  of war, 375, 377; orders of, to
  Linctot, 360; recruits troops, 355;
  sent for relief, 586; serves under
  Clark, 353,363.
Racine [Rasine, Rassinne], contribu-
  tion of, to troops, 361.
Racine, Frangois, signs oath, 57.
Rainbault, capture of, 194.
Ramsay, Lieutenant, serves under
  Clark, 353, 355.
Randolph, carries letter, 552; meets
  Clark, 504; represents Clark, 336.