Shannon, Captain William, accusa-
  tions against, 519; agreement of,
  with Sullivan, 529; appeals for sup-
  plies, 344; capture of, 280; certifies
  receipt, 412, 413; commission of,
  389; deposition of, 593; draws on
  Virginia: commissary, 413, treas-
  urer, 328, 329; examination of, 519,
  532, 558; exoneration of, 524; letter
  of, to: E. Baker, 413, G. R. Clark,
  554, J. P. Le Gras, 343; pays Chen-
  oweth, 532; purchases: corn, 520,
  555, skins, 554, whiskey, 519; re-
  ceives money, 593; relieves Fort
  Jefferson, 555; return of, 327; works
  on fort, 522.
Shawnee IShanee, Shawanese, Shaw-
  anon, Shawnah, Shawneess, Shaw-
  onee, Showneel Indians, allies of:
  British, 96, Cherokee, xxxii, Clark,
  73, Mingo, xxxii; assemble at San-
  dusky, 109; expedition against,.of:
  Bowman, 22, n. 2, 300, 325, 332,
  333, Brodhead, 408, 419, Clark,
  cxxxviii, clvi, 153,353,373,399,407,
  419, 424, 591, 605, Kentuckians,
  151; Hamilton's message to, 179;
  hostility of, cxix, 5, n. 2, 172, 208
  302; importance of, 605; incite
  Indians against English, xxii, n.
  2; Jefferson authorizes expedition
  against, 391; number of, xv, n. 1;
  participate in conference, xiv,
  xxiii, xxxiv; Pluggy's Band of,
  xxxv, n. 1; relations of, with Wood,
  xxii; war with, 208.
Shee, Edward, takes oath as prisoner,
Shelbey, Edward, prisoner, 1 12; serves
  under Hamilton, 111.
Shelby, instructed to recruit troops,
Shelby [Shellby], Captain James,
  asks aid of Clark, 370; at: Kaskas-
  kia, 326, Ouiatanon, 297, 370;
  commander at Vincennes, 354, 370;
  expedition of, against St. Josephs,
  366; re-enforces Linctot, 297, n. 1,
  359, 360; letter of, to: G. R. Clark,
  362, 370, J. Montgomery, 370;
  letter to, from G. R. Clark, 370;
  serves under Clark, 353, 363.
Shelby, Captain Isaac, purchases
  boats, 83.
Shelp, J., buys horse, 23.
Shenandoah County, enlistment of
  troops in, 424.

Shepherd, Colonel David, command-
  er at Fort Henry, xliii; letter to,
  from: P. Henry, xxxv, n. 2, E.
  Hand, 41; member of council of war
  569; ordered to deliver boats, 41.
Shewrd, see Showrd.
Shieffelin, see Schieffelin.
Shifflin, see Schieffelin.
Shores, Thomas, death of, 21.
Showard, see Showrd.
Shownee, see Shawnee.
Showrd [Shewrd, Showard], Lieuten-
  ant, accompanies Hamilton, 176;
  death of, 107, 199.
Sinclair, appoints Emanuel Hesse,
Sioux Indians, loyalty of, to British,
  cx, n. 4, cxxvii, n. 2.
Six Nations, see Iroquois Indians.
Skags. Clark at, 24.
Slaughter, Colonel George, accusa-
  tions of, against commissaries, 516,
  519, 532; carries letter, 356, 358,
  373; exonerates accused, 524; letter
  of, to: R. George, 506, T. Jefferson,
  493, 524, T. Nelson, 587; letter to,
  from: J. Bailey, 581, R. George,
  506, J. M. P. Le Gras, 492, G.
  Linctot, 490, 492, 518; seeks
  superintendency of salt work, 494.
Slaughter, Major John, ammunition
  of, 542; carries letter, 420; lack
  supplies, 556; letter of, to T. Jeffer-
  son, 516; letter to, from T. Jeffer-
  son, 417; member of council of
  war, 601; ordered to: attack In-
  dians, 417, Falls of Ohio, exxxvii,
  n. 1, 387; re-enforces Clark, 387,
  486; refuses to aid Sullivan, 556;
  signs bills, 516; troops of, 420, 569;
  use of provisions by, 554; votes for
  Indian expedition, 602.
Slaughter, Lieutenant Lawrence,
  death of, 353; serves under Clark,
  353, 354.
Slaves, regulations concerning, by
  Clark, 91; value of, 240.
Smith, at Boonesborough, 23; carries
  petition, 400; ordered to secure
  men, 34; refuses state money, 561;
  treats with Indians, 70.
Smith, D., works on fort, 523.
Smith, Daniel, authorized to survey
  land, 393; letter to, from T. Jeffer-
  son, 392.
Smith, Henry, trustee of Clarksville,