to inhabitants of, from Clark, 50,
238; American sympathizers at,
192, 276; assembling of troops at,
300; Bailey commander at, clxii;
British: plan attack on, 317, 490,
493, 506; send Indians against, 151;
captured by: Clark, lxxxiv, 65, 90,
89, 111, 120, 145, 162, 168, 169,
  170, 171, 176, 188, 191, 238, 281,
  n. 2, 289, 305, 306, 308, 316, 319,
  322, 333, 334, 336, 344, 362, 391,
  428, Hamilton, lxxii, 89, 96, 97,
  103, 104, 132, 138, 155, 178, 181,
  196, 266, 330, 333, 344; Clark
  leaves, 149; Clark plans capture
  of, lxxvi, cx, 98, 100, 138, 267;
  description of, 107, 122; dissatis-
  faction at, clxii, 546; evacuation
  oj, by: Americans, cxxiv, 597,
  British,  122,  225;  expedition
  against, of: Clark, lxxvii, 139, 140,
  155, 170, 186, 268, 334, Hamilton,
  260; fortification of, lxxii, 98, 183,
  267; founding of, 15, n. 1; garrison
  at, 54, 65, 110, 111, 164, 300, 346,
  354, 377, 422, 507; George sends
  supplies to, 506; government of,
  ciii, 52, 53, 55; Helm, commander
  at, 123; Henry learns of capture of,
  169; importance of, lxxxv, 182,
  234, 493; inhabitants of: furnish
  supplies, 370, 431; petition for
  garrison, 507; lack of supplies at
  clxii, 325, 370, 544; letter to inhabi-
  tants of, from Clark, lxxxi, 141,
  159; memorial of inhabitants of, to: i
  Luzerne, 438, Virginia, clxii, 430; 1
  militia of, 90; mission to, of Gi-
  bault, lxv, 55, 237; oath of inhabi-
  tants of, 56, 183, 238; origin of
  name, 15, n. 1; population of, 182,
  224; proclamation to inhabitants
  of, by Clark, 53, 122, 277; siege of,
  lxii, 141, 160, 165, 280; settle-
  ment at, 248; Shelby commander
  at, 370; strength of, 98, 181, 224,
  237, 273, 277, 445; treaty made at,
  15; trail to, from Detroit, xiii, n. 1;
  Willing sent against, lxxxvi, 100.
Virginia, auditors of, settle Clark's
  account, 26; authorizes: expedition
  against Illinois, lix, 27, 33, 51, 55,
  57, 72, 78, 115, 116, 219, expedi-
  tion against Detroit, 359, 369,
  working of saline, 25, n. 1; bound-
  ary dispute in, 220, 560, 579, 589,
  592; commissions Clark brigadier-

general, 501; commissioners of,
xxi, xxiii, cxv; controls army, 387,
391; convention of, adjourns, 17;
credit of, clx, 437, 554, 555, 557,
585; defense of, 1, n. 1; delegates
to, 13; distribution of powder in,
16; drafts: drawn on, 328, 329, 379,
528, of, on France, 388; depreciated
currency of, cliv, 173, 205, 379;
388, 431, 444, 559, 561; establishes
county of: Illinois, xcix, c, 78, n. 4,
83, Kentucky, cxlv, cxlvi; frontier
defense, xxxiii, 424; grants powder
to Kentucky, lv, 17, 19, 213,
  Indian raids in, xlvi, 175; indicts:
  Dejean, 339, H. Hamilton, 337,
  Lamothe, 339; instructs: Clark,
  78, Montgomery, 82; insurrection
  in, 403, 434, 502, 507, 525, 526,
  569; invaded, 507, 551; invasion
  law of 44; investigates western
  expenditures, 569; independence
  of, 80; legislature of, 19, 27, 33, 74,
  75, 78, 78, n. 4, 116, 212, 219, 339,
  340, 501; land grants by, lv, n. 1,
  1xxxvi, 37, 219, 304, 387, 393, 397,
  412, 413, 593; land laws of, xciii,
  n. 2, 12; letter to, from: Clark, 569,
  H. Hamilton, 199, P. Henry, 322,
  Indians, xxvii, Jefferson, 427; mis-
  appropriation of funds in, cxlix;
  opens land office, cxii; order of
  council of, 33; paroles Hamilton,
  202, 204; petition to, lv, cxvi, clxii,
  clxvi, 11, 19, 428, 430; qualifica-
  tions of electors in, lvi, n. 3; refuses
  to: confirm land grant, 430, pay
  Le Gras, 435; report to, on Illinois
  conquest, 87; rewards, Clark,
  lxxxvi, 74, 75, 87, 305, 362, Rogers,
  362; treatment of British prisoners
  by, 197, 199, 202, 204, 339, 340;
  troops of, lack clothing, cxlviii,
  n. 1; value of Kentucky to, 19.
Virginia Magazine of History and
  Biography, 4, n. 1, 9, n. 1, 291, n. 1.
Viviat, Cerr6 executor for, 48.
Vosdr6s, Jean Baptiste, signs oath,
Wabash [Auabache, Obache, Ore-
  bache, Ouabache, Oubach, Wa-
  bachees, Wabache, Waubach,
  Waubash, Waughbash] Indians,
  alliance of, with Clark, 73, 553,
  606; poverty of, 445, 518; sent
  against Kentucky, 31.