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14 Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station E
N Starting Mash. F0rty—seven samples were analyzed, all of  _ sun
, l l which equaled or exceeded their guaranties, except three which cY Acme
were too high in fiber. Two were misbranded. A *
Supplement Mash. Seven samples were analyzed, all of  * A
which equaled guaranties. · ,
. Rabbit Feed. Five samples were analyzed, all of which  _'
equaled guaranties.  i ‘
Sheep Feed. Seven samples were analyzed, three of which E I
were misbranded.  
Idle Stock Feed (Steck at rest). Thirty-eight samples were i The
analyzed, five of which were below guaranty in protein, one iii  _
fat and two were too high in fiber. Six were misbranded.  ` Am,
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