Minutes of tho hRoard of Trustees, University of Kentucky,
for its regular quarterly meeting on Friday, November 24, 1922.

     The Boerd of Trustees of the University of Kentucky met in
regular ouarterly session at the University of Kentucky. on
Friday, P~ovember 24, 1922, at 11:30 a. m. in the President's office.
The follov'ing members w-ere present:  Superintendent George Colvin,
Senat`or H. M. Froman, Mr. J. R. Rash, Mr. Robert G. Gordon,
Judze Richard C. Stoll, Commissioner Rainey T. Wells, Mr. Frank
McKee, lMir. W. H. Grady, vrx. Howard P. Invels.  Frank L. McVey,
Presiaent of the University, and Wellington Patrick, Secretary
of the Board, were also present.

     The minutes of the June meeting of the Board and the minutes
of the Executive Committ-ee since the last meeting of the Board
were approved as published.

     (1) Disposal of Old Requisition Forms. Upon the suggestion
of the Business Agent, requisition forms of two years iand more
standing were, upon motion, ordered destroyed.

     (2) Delay in Receiving Money from the Auditor. The Business
Agent informed 7he    ardhat del0ys-ar fireouent in securing
money from the State Auditor, resulting in the necessity of bor-
rowing money to cover the monthly payroll.   He indic-ted that if
it were possible for the A-uditor to pass promptly on all requisi-
tions sent to him, the University would be saved, something in the
wIjPy of interest on funds so borrowed.  After discussion, the
matter  os referred to Mr. Wells with the request that he discuss
the metter with the Auditor.

     (3) The Will of James K. Pettersoni The Committee on the
Patterson Will, consisting of President McVey, Judge Stoll and
Mr. Gordon, mad.e t report on their examinetion of the will.   After
discussion, the motion wat s mende by Mr. Gordon uid duly seconded,
that the University accept the provisions of the will of the lte
Dr. James K. Patterson, particularly Sections 13 and 14; that the
Boerd hereby designetes the University Library as the place where
the books shall be kept, and hereby asks the executors to turn
over Doctor Patterson's library to the University of Kentucky with-
in the time specified in the will.   The Secretary was directed
to forvwrrd P copy of this resolution to the executors.   After dis-
cussion, the motion was unanimously carried.

     (4) Conferring of Degrees. The following communication from
the Registrar was reed end ordered incorporated in the minutes.