
government-approved. eontract form which, you will find,
has been used, generanlly, ths pest few years and, also,
acknowledgment form -.nd ltter, oach of which crrry
the orovision.

     A wage -dvanco rt the mines from which we are
furnishing your coal hs rocantly becom3 3ffactive.
This r1dv,7nce, ve if rr sure you rwrill )graa, should be
protectodt by your lastitution and wa shall be vory
greatly obliged if you will promptly hsandle through
proper channel for' Iuthority to pay this wage difference,
advi sing.

     The wage a.&avnce is, approximately, seventy cents
per ton, to be eetermined exactly by checking records
by University of E-3ntucky representativea

                           Yours truly

                           (Signed) J4 M. Outten

                                    Juno 23, 1922

               1922-1923 CO.A.L OONTRACm.

THIS AGREEMEj4NT mnde Pnd ant 3r-3d into this the twenty-
third day of Juns' 1922 by and betrwe3n the Fayette Cocl,
Grain & Food Comncny, PARTY OF 7HE PIRST FART and the
Univorsity of Kentucky, PARTY OF THE SECOND P:A'RT, both
of Lixington, Kentucky, WITNESSETH:

     That the PJ.RTY OF TIM FIRST PART hr s this d,7ry sold
Pnd doos hereby bind itself to furnish to the PARTY OF
less of straight Run of Mino Cosl from #4 Vein coal
in the Hazard Field, shipped from Combs and Rytip,
Perry County, Xentucky, this cocl being the identical
coal furnished the PARTY OF TH' SE'OITD PAFZ for the
school yeq.r 1921-1922.  The coal to be delivered on
the grounds and in the buildings of the '?.RTY OF THE
SECOiVD PART as  esign.?ted by thmt P'RTY r t tho price of
FIVE DOLLARS ( 35.O0) per ton, at the present freig.ht
rate of OPThN DOL"LAR !1I'1:) SEVENTY CENTS (f1.70) per ton,
the PARTY OF THE SECOND PART to receire benefit of any
and all decreases in freight rates Pnd to the PARTY OF