10. Graduate Student Academic Staff

        In no case shall an appointment of a graduate or teaching assistant be
 terminated before the end of the period of appointment without the individual
 being provided with the opportunity to be heard before the University Senate
 Advisory Committee on Privilege and Tenure.

       Likewise a graduate or teaching assistant who has established a prima
facie case to the satisfaction of the committee that a consideration violative of
academic freedom significantly contributed to the non-reappointment shall be
given a statement of reasons by those responsible for the non-reappointment and
an opportunity to be heard by the committee.

       11. In no case shall a member of the academic staff who is not otherwise
protected by the preceding regulations which relate to dismissal proceedings be
dismissed (termination before the end of a period of appointment) without having
been provided with a statement of reasons and an opportunity to be heard before
the University Senate Advisory Committee on Privilege and Tenure.

       Likewise a member of such an academic staff who establishes a prima
facie case to the satisfaction of the University Senate Advisory Committee on
Privilege and Tenure that a consideration violative of academic freedom signifi-
cantly contributed to his non-reappointment shall be given a statement of reasons
by those responsible for the non-reappointment and an opportunity to be heard by
the committee.

       12. Change of Assignment

       When it is to the best interests of the institution, and if the professional
status of an individual is not seriously jeopardized thereby, a change in the duties
assigned to an individual may be made without such a change of assignment being
regarded as a violation of his tenure rights.


           1. Term of Appointment

       Academic appointments are made on ten and twelve month bases.

           2. Vacation Leave

       All full-time academic appointees, whether on a ten months' or a twelve
months' basis, shall be entitled to a one-month vacation leave with pay. Vacation
leave cannot be accumulated. All members of the teaching faculty shall be in
actual attendance at least until after commencement and until all reports have
been made, and at least three days prior to the first day of registration for the
fall semester unless for special reasons special leave is approved.