
3.317       Only impartial members of the judicial agency shall
             sit in judgment of any case.

3.318       The accused shall have access to a permanent verbal
             or written transcript of every hearing of every
             judicial agency.

3.4         Right of Free Expression

             A student has the right to freedom of expression,
             which includes the right to picket or demonstrate
             for a cause, subject to the restrictions that he
             act in an, orderly and peaceful manner and in no way
             interfere with the proper functioning of the Univer-
             sity as stated in section 1.2 (a).

3.5         Right to a Free Student Press

             Student publications must be free to deal openly,
             fearlessly and responsibly with issues of interest
             and importance to the academic community. Student
             publications will avoid such practices as the use of
             libel, undocumented allegations, obscenity, attacks
             on personal integrity, deliberate deception of its
             readers, unnecessary harassment and innuendo, and
             other violations of individual rights.

             The editors shall have the right to editorial free-
             dom without the prior approval of copy and will be
             protected against dismissal or suspension except for
             violations of policies established by the Board of
             Student Publications.

                       STUDENT ORGANIZATIONS

             The supervision of student organizations shall rest
             with the Dean of Students.

4.1          Registration Procedures

4.11         Registration

             Any organization which wishes to use the University
             of Kentucky name or University property or to soli-
             cit thereon, and any organization whose membership
             is limited solely to students or students and faculty
             or staff, must complete the registration form available
             in the office of the Dean of Students. No organization
             may be formed for an illegal purpose.

4.111        Any organization whose members and officers are
             limited to students, faculty and staff of the Univer-
             sity, is entitled to registration so long as it com-
             pletes the required application form and abides by
             the rules set forth.