appears on the list presented the degree to which he is entitled upon cecrt'f'cation
by the Dean of Admissions and Registrar that said individual has sa.isfactorily
completed all requirements for the degree for which he has made applihcatvn and
has been approved by the University Senate. (See PR 4 at the end of the NI nulites.)

       J. Fee Schedules ConfLrmed (PR 5"

       It was explained that under statutory authority the Council on Public Higher
Education sets the fee schedule for the :nstitut.ions of public higher education in
the Commonwealth. On April 17, 1970 this body established a schedule of fees to
become effective not later than the fall semester 1970, In order to establish these
fees at the University of Kentucky, confirmati.on is needed from the Board of
Trustees. It was pointed out that out-of-state fees had already been confirmed by
the Board and that the increase in resident fees amounted to $50 per academic
year. In the case of the community colleges., the fees were established at the
level of the regional universities, or $150 a semester as opposed to $165 on the
main campus.

       On motion by Mr. Wright, seconded by Dr. Nicholas, and passed, con-
firmation of the fee schedule for the University of Kentucky as established by the
Council on Public Higher Education was given and the effective date for the new
fees was set for the opening of the fall semester 1970. (See PR 5 at the end of
the Minutes.)

       K. Master Degree Programs Apprj~-ed (PR 6)

       Without discussion, on motion by Mr. Hillen.neyer, seconded by Mr.
Milner, and passed, approval was given to the activation of programs leading to
the Master of Science in Nursing and Master of Social Work Degrees. (See PR 6
at the end of the Minutes. )

       L. Internal Budget for 1970-71 Accepted (PR 7)

       Dr. Donald Clapp, Budget Director, explained that the budget before the
Trustees for approval was a continuation budget. It does, however, provide suf-
ficient funds to allow the University to strengthen some of the existing programs,
to initiate the new School of Social Professions. to provide salary increases to
help maintain the University's competitive position with similar institutions, to
meet the increased cost of maintaining the current fringe benefit program, to
establish a disability insurance program for those employees not currently pro-
tected, and t) operate and finance new facilities to meet critical space shortages.
Further discussion was curtailed because of the increased noise and disorder from
those outside the Board Room which made it difficult for Dr, Clapp to be heard
and for the Board members to follow his presentation. Explaining that the budget