The Kentucky Kernel
LEXINGTON, K.Y., OCT. 10, 1919






Photographs to Be Made at
Studio on Campus; Work
Will Be Uniform

Students Urge& to Show
trionic Talent October 31.


According to custom, "Amateur
Night," an anual event in the Stroller
calaiitlcr will bo held on Friday night,
October 31. At tills time all aspirants
for Stroller honors are requested to
come out and show their histrionic
ability. Whether a Freshman or an
upper classman, one must first appear
on "Amateur Night" to become an
active member of the Strollers, and
be eligible to try out for the annual
production given In the Spring at the
Lexington Opera House. If you can
act, sing, dance, or have any talent
pertaining thereto you should avail
yourself of the opportunity of becoming a Stroller. As one of the old boys
says, "All it takes is nerve."
All old Strollers are requested to be
present at an important meeting to be
held Monday afternoon at 3:30 in the
Stroller Room in the basement of the
Main Building.

The 1920 Kentuckian Staff has made
a decided advance on those of former
years by engaging tho White Studio,
New York City, to do its photographic
work. The White firm is one of tha
largest in New York and makes a specialty of taking pictures for college
annuals. A representative of the firm
will be at the University the week of
November 15 to take the students' pictures, the finishing to be done at the
studio in New York. A studio is being
arranged on the campus where pictures will be taken. All students who
contemplate having .their pictures in
the annual are required to patronize
this, the official photographer provided by the staff. The prices will be
no higher than those of the local photographers and the annual staff 1s de- MEMBERSHIP DRIVE NOW
sirous of having all pictures of uniform size and quality.
Contracts have already been sighed
with Benson, of Nashville, for the
100 Per Cent
printing and with Stafford, of In- Will Try
Enrollment Among Girls
dianapolis for the ngraving.


of University

Call for Cartoonists.

William Wallace, art editor, requests that all who can draw cartoons
support the anual by submitting specimens of local subjects, of which the
best will appear in the annual. These
specimens should be addressed to
Wallace and either placed in the
box C;f the Kentuckian or
brought to the Kentuckian office.
The contest for snapshots which
was started last Spring is still on. A
prize is offered for .the best group of
snapshots, the number of pictures in
the group not being less than twelve.
These snapshots may be of anything
on the campus, athletics, grounds,
professors. The conbuildings,
test is open to all University students. Such pictures should be sent
to Todd Greene, snapshot editor, or
placed in the Kentuckian box.

Solicits Help of All.
While the annual is primarily a publication of the Senior Class for the
purpose of setting forth and stimulating interest in class, fraternity, organization .military, and athletic activities, the staff has no desire to confine its scope to the ranks of Seniors.
Any article, Joke, cartoon, snapshot
submitted by any underclassman will
be duly considered, and If accepted
credit will be given to the person who
submitted it. The Kentuckian would
also be grateful for any suggestions
from faculty members or students
in makwho are asked to
ing the 1920 annual equal to, If not
better, than any published In former

Patronize Our Advertisers

The Young Women's Christian As
sociatlon started Its membership camMis3
paign on Tuesday morning.
Lucy Dean, chairman of the Membership Committee, is canvassing the
three dormitories to enlarge the enrollment. Miss Mary Van Meter is in
charge of the committee to secure
memberships from town girls. There
will be no Initial dues, but later a gift
will be asked fro meach member to
aid tho Y. W.
A large percentage of girls in the
University have always been members
of the Y. W. C. A. This year the object of the committees and the assoenrollment
ciation is to secure 100
among the young ladies of the University.
The association is a voluntary organization. It is for the students and
Its activities are such as they institute. The ultimate objective of the
association is the development of
Christian Character.
It Is Its privilege to have somewhat to do with improving of untoward conditions either
with other organizations or as an element in some of its
own activities, but it is dealing primarily with women themselves.
Each woman should consider it a
privilege to Join such an association,
the purpose of which shall be "to unite
women of the institution in loyalty
to Jesus Christ, to lead them to accept
Him as their personal Saviour, to
build them up in the knowledge of
Christ, especially through Bible study
and Christian Service, that their character and conduct may be consonant
(Continued on Page 2)




No. 3


GLASS University

Poet Has Appreciative
Audience In Chapel Tuesday.

Engineer Machine Controls
Class and Elects Its Candidates Without Difficulty
George Zerfoas, Lexington, College
was elected president
of the Junior Class at the class meeting in Chapel Thursday morning by a
strictly college vote over Anthony
Dishman, the "A. B. Law" candidate.
The other officers elected were:
Mildred Porter, Lexington, College of
Arts and Sciences,
Lillian Cromwell, Cynthiana, College
of Arts and Sciences, secretary; M.
J. McWhorter, Yosemlte, College of
Engineering, treasurer; J. P. Barnes,
Bradstown, class orator; and J. T.
Stevens, Kevil, Junior cheer leader.
Three men for assistant track managers, one of whom will be track manager next year, and an assistant editor
and assistant business manager of the
1919 Kentuckian, who will be
and business manager of the
1920 Kentuckian, respectively, were
not elected at this meeting because of
lack of time, but will be chosen at a
class meeting in the near future.
Zerfoss is a member of the Phi
Delta Theta fraternity, and has made
his letter in football, baseball, basketball and tennis. Miss Porter and Miss
Cromwell are both members of the
Kappa Gamma fraternity and are
members of the basketball squad.
Barnes is a member of the Kappa
Alpha and Alpha Delta Sigma fraternities and the Keys and the Mystic
Thirteen, class societies.
Wayne Haffler, school cheer leader,
made a short talk at the beginning of
the meeting urging the class to display "ye ole time" school spirit by
supporting the cheer leaders at the
games this Fall.
of Engineering,


Hear Discussion of Value of
Working With Definite Purpose.


Dr. John J. Tigert, who recently re-

turned from abroad, where he has
been engaged In war work, was the
speaker at the Y. M. C. A. meeting
held in the "Y" room of the Alumni
Building, Sunday evening at G:45
o'clock. Jesse Tapp, President of the
Association, led the meeting.
Dr. Tigert spoke upon the subject
of "Having A Life Plan," and emphasized the necessity of having a
well defined purpose in life and of
keeping that purpose constantly uppermost.
At the next meeting of the Y. M.
C. A., which will be held Sunday evening at 6:45, Judge Lyman Chalkley
will speak on "The Wild Cat's Great
Scrimmage With Himself."

Patronize Our Advertisers

"Tho sacred bonds of love and matrimony are tho greatest things in life,"
said Professor J. T. C. Noo in Chapel
Friday. To illustrate this statement
ho read several delightful poems.
After the devotional exercises and
the usual reading of announcements
the hour passed swiftly as Professor
Noe read some of his short poems.
Most of them were humorous and
caused the audience to rock with
"There is a vast quantity of verse
being now written," said he. "Some is
good and some bad. Out of this great
volume, of varying rythm and style,
something worth while is bound to
come. Everybody is interested in
poetry and I make this my excuse for
presenting some of my own verse to
you this morning."
Certainly no excuse was necessary
for Professor Noe's vivid pictures of
mountain life, of the old maid, Sallle
Jones, of the western farmer and his
new Ford and, finally, his rhapsody on
the Jazz and camel walk, left little to
be desired in the way of entertainment
by those who attended chapel on Tuesday.


Sixteen Men Will Represent
University in Intercollegiate Contests
Candidates for places on the intercollegiate debate teams which will
represent the University of Kentucky
in the debates with Miami University
and the University of Cincinnati are
requested to report for preliminary
trials at 7:15 on Tuesday evening,
October 14, in the University Chapel.
The preliminary trials are open to
In the prelimiall undergraduates.
naries, each candidate will be requestextempore
ed to make a
speech on the proposition, "Resolved
That Mr. Edwin P. Morrow Should Be
Elected Governor of Kentucky in the
November, 1919, Election." The candidate may choose the side of the
proposition on which he will speak.
From the men taking part In the
preliminary trials, sixteen will be
chosen. These sixteen men will be
organized into an "Advanced Debate"
class. The intercollegiate debate will
be prepared in this class and each of
the Bixteen men who complete the
work will receive two hours credit.
Shortly before the date of the intercollegiate debates, six men will be
chosen from this class to compose the
debate teams. The men who represent tho University on the teams will
be awarded the forensic "K" to be
worn in the form of a "K" on a gold
medal presented by the University.
(Continued From Page Two)


Arts and Science College
Lead Other Departments
in Number Enrolled
According to the Registrar's report
there are 1014 matriculates at the University up to October 1. This number
for the year exceeds any matriculation
of former years.
The largest number of students, as
usual, has entered the Arts and
Science College, which has a total of
372 students.
The number of matriculates in this college by classes is as
Freshmen boys 81, girls 86, total

Sophomore boys 51, girls 46, total 96.
Junior boys 39, girls 27, total 66.
Senior boys 18, girls 24, total 42.
The total number of Arts and
Science boys is 189, of girls 183.
In the college of Engineering there
are 278 matriculates arranged as follows:
Juniors 47, Seniors 28. There are no
women registered in this college.
The College of Agriculture has 215
students, as follows:
Freshmen boys 62, girls 33, total 95.
Sophomore boys 31, girls 20, total 51.
Junior boys 17, girls 18, total 35.
Senior boys 18, girls 16, total 34.
Total number of boys 128, girls 87.
There are 90 matriculates in the
Law College as follows:
Freshmen boys 15, girls 2, total 17.
Sophomore boys 30, girls 1, total 21.
Junior girls 20, girls 1, total 21.
Senior boys 21, girls 0, total 21.
Total number of boys 86, girls 4.
There are, in the entire University,
955 candidates for degrees distributed
among the different classes as follows:
Freshmen boys 266, girls 121, total

Sophomores boys 207, girls




Juniors boys 123, girls 46, total 169.
Senior boys 83, girls 42, total 125.
Total number of boys Is 679, of girls

Besides these there are 59 non-cadldates for degrees, of whom 18 are
special students, 16 are
20 are graduate students and 5 are
The management of the Kernel
is putting forth every effort to see
that each issue of the paper gets
into the hands of every advertiser
and subscriber on the mailing
If you fall to receive any Issue
during the session please notify
the business manager of such fall
ure and the matter will be gives
Immediate attention.
