81;§A&;11f)1xn?nz;ré;ltI§13é>l;;ey spent in training the body yi$;;iir;eré:ie;;;T);;an  
  i My health is my fortune ; without it l  
  ‘ can d0 nothing; with it the future lies ji
  brilliant before me. » L
  Gbe Chief Essential of Euccess
  For a young man is what the vast majority i f
  of young men think about of least·»·=-that is  
  good health and a sound constitution. That  
  i is the first thing: nothing precedes it. ln the
  battle for success that should be the young
  man’s first thought; not his abilities or his
  work, but his health. That is the basis--—
  the corner—stone of all. Abilities cannot
  bring health, but health can, and generally
  does, develop ability. The young man with e
  splendid health and average ability will out-
  strip every time the brilliant young man who
s   is poor in health. With the former, the one T _
ei strengthens the other; the latter, the one con- t 
  stantly saps the other, and less and less effort
Ei becomes possible. ln any success, good health
‘ and the keeping of it is the first and great -
  L essential. Everything possible deveiops from
    ' —E¤wAxm Box, in Ladies Home Journal.)