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W "Educu.tiuu is n. better sufegumd of liberty $118.11 u, st.a.1g%I;:§\$.;1;1g.g\YE1{ETT·
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L To the Legislature Greet#ing:— l
J The bill introilueeel by Wbn. Klatr for a State College appro- , I
priation of $150,000, is nothing more than the reguest for THE °
money invested will he returned to the State tenfolcl tn value,
i as it bears directly on the upl~ifiing and educating of her citi-
zenship. Tra/in properly the boys and girls of a State and you
` have little neerl of prisons and law houses. Our State is far
l behind in higher education; some say we are a half century A
beh»i~nd our sister states, and our State College cannot com-
pare with those of Virginia, Ohio, Illinois, llfiehigan,
Minnesota and dozens of others, iehen, aeeorilring to our resources,
we should outelass many of them.
"Eyoi·y eollege that grows requires more money every year;
needs larger lruililings and better buililings; more apparatus
_ and more aceonrmodations for ii ts professors anil stuelents, and if
\» it is the right sort of an institutrtoui it ought to have menzorials \ ‘
and fine arehiteeture that will inahe it A GEN TER OF
ARTISTIC INTEREST as u·ell as an iinstitution of learning.
Very few of the eol/eges ean begin an u thoroughly iligesteil plan
` as the Stanford llnrirersiiy (/ul, or eonzpletely rerolutioniige its `I I
· b~uilili°ngs as the Unirersity of California is doing, for in eaeh
ease millions are reguireil. But it eau, from year to year,
through the hinrlness of its friends and olrl students, mahe
iniproreinents that will riwntually beeonze A IIARBIONIOUS .
SETTIQEJIENT of llanelsome lnlilllings.°°
- ;_i;j”    YT  “`