And Help the Association

Published By And For University Alumni

Subscribe for



Chicago Alumni Club, luncheon
third Monday in each month in the
Men's Grill, Marshall Field Co.
Buffalo Alumni Club, meeting
second Saturday in each month at
Chamber of Commerce, Seneca and
Main streets, 2:15 p.m.
Louisville Alumni Club, luncheon,
private dining room Brown hotel
1 o'clock p. m., first Saturday in
each month.


Edited by




Alumni Assn.

Secy.-Trea- s.



Dealer: L. C. Smith


benefits that we could name to you
Election for 1927 Held at Regif our space permitted but that" is lim Kentucky University Burns Af
ular January Meeting. Goal
ited. However, we are going to tell ter John B. Bowman
Raised Funds for Establishfor 100 Per Cent Memyou of some of the ways that the
bership Set
ment at Harrodsburg
In launching our campaign for Association will be benefited along
1.500 life members in the Alum with you.
ni Association, a great many
First and most important, we MORRILL ACT ..IS
factors had to be considered. would have a good body of interested
At the regular January meeting of
payment and loyal Alumni; Alumni who, since
t The greatest of these is the
Beginning in September 1861,
the Buffalo Club, of the Alumni Asof $50.00 at one time. We believe they were free from the shadow of took charge of what was left of Tran
sociation of the University of Ken
,that this will be the greatest factor the constant plea for dues, would be ylvania. Early in 1862, we were re
tucky. new officers of the club for
inkeeping a great many of the inter- - more interested in the work of the quired by the federal authorities to Dr.
R. Robinson, '09, 1927 were elected. They are as fol
' ested and loyal Alumni lrom oecom
lows: President, E. E. Johnson, '14;
Association and the advancement of vacate Morrison College, which they
C. R. Perkins,
ing "lifers." On the outset it .seems the University of Kentucky. Second, immediately occupied as a hospital,
treasurer, Gilbert Frankel, '19; secre
' a whole lot easier to pay just $3.00 we would have a certain income eacn We removed to the Medical College
on the north Graduate of U. of K. Will Be tary, J. B. Slater, '23.
a Tear than to "plunk" down $50.00 year that could be depended on and building, which stood
Registrar of Tennessee ColThe meeting was held Saturday,
' all at one time. However, after care from which we could make up an an west corner of Second and Broad
way. During the summer vacation,
lege, ; Formerly at Richmond
January 15, at the Chamber of Com
ful consideration we have come to nual budget. Third, we would save Confederate troops under General
merce in Buffalo.
the conclusion that this is not going a considerable amount each year in Kirby Smith occupied Central Ken
Dr. James Russell Robinson, '09,
The Buffalo Club has been one of
us in our campaign. There postage, used in urging the members tucky with Lexington as headquarters who for several years has been asto hinder
the Alumni Clubs
They took possession of the Medical sociated with the Eastern Kentucky the most active of efforts have been
are going to be plenty of Alumni who to send in their dues.
this year. Special
are able and who will do this.
benefits to the Alumni office College as well as Morrison College, State Normal School and Teachers made since early in the fall to have
To show you just why they are go are also benefits that in the end con using them for hospitals. After the College in Richmond, Ky., has resign the club 100 per cent in membership
Kentucky by General ed his position as registrar of the
ing-t- o
we are going to set down cern every member, since it is the evacuation of
do so
in the National Alumni Association
by Feder
many advantages of money of the Association that is be- Smith and its Medical College burned college and accepted a position as While this eoal has not yet been
here a few of the
al troops, the
registrar of Peabody College, Nash- - reached the Buffalo Club has at pres
being a life member.
ing expended, consequently it would down. The Trustees of Transylvania
ne aireauy iius usaumeu uia ent a larger percentage of members
obtained the use in succession first new duties.
First of all, you are a member for be your money saved.
than any other Alumni Club.
having to bothsaving would enable the Asso of the basement of the Market Street
all time without ever
Dr. Robinson was graduated from
Efforts still are being made to
sending in a check ciation to render a greater service to Presbyterian church: second of the the University of Kentucky with the
er strain about
reach the goal set by the club at the
each year for your dues and The Ker the University. The funds with which building on Market street adjacent degree of A. B. in 1909. In 1912 he beginning of the year.
Episcopal church; lastly, they received his A. M. from the Univer
nel. Second, you will never miss a to carry on legislative campaigns is to the
brick sity. He began teaching in the high
up the small
single issue of The Kernel from the one of the many instances in which ad- fitted
building in Gratz park used until then
H. C.
to the last each year. Third ditional funds are needed every two by the janitor. In it the high school school of Richmond in 1915 and later
became an instructor in the Normal
office comes vears.
'when a letter from this
was carried on until June 1865, when School. In 1921 he became dean and
of 1925 Sue
to you in your morning mail you will
These matters are worthy of your Transylvania ceased to exist either registrar of the college, later taking Graduate of Class
cumbs in North Carolina
University as a University or High School; why
consideration. The
hot face the possibility of a "dun'
over the increased work of registrar.
from us, it will be something that of Kentucky has given to you valu will appear subsequently.
G. Marshall Brock, business mana
Henry C. Stephens', who was grad
Bacon college was established by ger of the Eastern Kentucky State uated from the University with the
.will really interest you. Fourth, you able training and instruction that is
personal satisfaction of and will continue to prove of untold the Christian church in 1836 at Normal and Teachers College, in com class of 1925 died in Charlotte, N. C,
will have the
In 1839, it was re menting on the resignation of Dr Sunday, January 29, according to word
knowing that you are rendering to value to you. Why not do something Georgetown.
Its growth Robinson said. "While Eastern has
flip Association a real service and in return for what your Alma Mater moved to Harrodsburg.
in Lexngton by relatives. He
inadequate in- suffered a great loss in losing Dr, received ill for more than three
had been
that you are aiding it in its program has done for you? Think it over ser come. retarded
Bowman, a weai Robinson, the institution is honored weeks.
Mr. John
of progress. Fifth, you will receive iously and you will fill out the blank! thy and
of by having
great college hkt Pea
Since his graduation he has been
value received for every cent of your below and mail it to this office with Mercer county, undertook to raise the body choosea one of her teachers for
with the Armstrong Cork Company
membership, you will not liave your check for $50.00. Let's make necessary funds for the endowment so
important a post.
of Philadelphia, Penn. He is a grad
our Association the best one in the and equipment of a college commen
made a donation.
uate of the College of Engineering
surate with the needs of a vigorous;
These are just a few of the many South.
and was one of the most popular men
aggressive and growing Christian
fairly good chemical laboratory. in his college during his four years
community. He raised $200,000, ob While looking toward Lexington for on the campus.
O- home economics in the high school at tained a new charter in 1858, which a future site for Kentucky University,
He was buried in Sharpsburg in
City, Ky.
virtually reorganized the institution another factor was beginning to come the Crown Hill cemetery.
Alexander Dixon is an at and changed its name from Bacon Col into the field of view and to attract
torney and is with the firm of Snedi lege to Kentucky University. The in
eer. Miller, McKay and Bays with come from $200,000, together with
An act of Congress, known as the
offices in the Miami Bank and Trust fees charged, provided for the main Morrill Act, approved July 2, 1862,
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur P. Shanklin
Robert M. Davis is in the Marine Company building, Miami, Fla.
tenance of a faculty equal in num gave to each state in the Union, of Clear Water. Fla.. recently an
Sales Department of the Westing-chous- e
Jack M. Dorr is with the btate ber to that of the best Western Col thirty (30,000) thousand acres of nounced the birth of a baby daugh
Electric and Manufacturing
of Maysville, Ky.
leges of the day. In this respect, it public lands for each Senator and tex.
Company of Pittsburg. His address is National Bank
Both Mr. and Mrs. Shanklin
Georee D. Downing is athletic di was fully abreast of any college in Representative in Congress "for the were graduated from the University
439 Rebecca street, Pittsburg, Penn.
rector at the Kentucky State Normal Kentucky or of any of the adjacent endowment, support and maintenance of Kentucky. Mr. Shanklin is a mem
Edith Cary Dean is living at 413 School at Moorehead.
states. Though the new institution of at least one college where the lead ber of the class of 1922 while Mrs,
Frederica street, Owensboro, Ky.
Eldon S. Dummit is an attorney bore the name of UNIVERSITY, it ing object shall be,without excluding Shanklin. who was Miss Mildred Por
ofT1 with offices in the
Security Trust did nothing more than COLLEGIATE other scientific and classical studies
Elbert R. Dearborn is branch
ter, was graduated with the class of
fice manager for the Bailey Meter building. Lexington, Ky:
work. There was, properly speaking and including military tactics, to teach 1921.
He is
Company, of Cincinnati, Ohio.
Edward E. Elsey is assistant sales at that time, no university west of such branches of learning as are re
located at 12 Sterret avenue, Covingt- manager for the Dow Wire and Iron the Alleghenies.
lated to agriculture and the mechanic
on", Ky.
Works. Louisville. Ky. His address
The Kentucky University was gov arts in such manner as the legisla- industrial classes in the several pur
Shelby S. Elam is living at R. D. is 37 Tavlor avenue. Fort
erned by a Board of Curators, the tures of the states may respectively suits and professions of life."
Kentucky. .
.4, Penmoken Park, Lexington, Ky.
original members of which were prescribe in order to promote the lib
doing ed
Commodore B. Fisher is
(To Be Continued)
Dee R. Ellis is a farmer and is
named in the charter. The board was eral and practical education of the
ucational work for the Board of For
living in Eminence, Ky.
Presbyterian the members of the board were re
Richard B. Fenley is a farmer and eign Missions of the
church. .His address is the American quired to be members of the Christian
as living at Valley Station, Ky.
'John B. Flege is living in WSlliams- - Boy's School, Hamaden, Persio, Asia church. The University was opened
Ethel C. Fletcher (Mrs. John Field) auspiciously in September, 1858
town, Ky.
Robert F. Flege is assistant treas is living in Hampton Court, Lexing and had a prosperous
The Alumni office would appreciate it if. you would send into this
urer and construction clerk for Irvine ton, Ky.
until 1864, when its building was
' jConstruction Company of Irvine, Ky.
Howard C. Forman is an engineeer burned. It was then a question office addresses of any of the graduates listed below. .
with the Louisville and National Rail whether they should rebuild in Har James William Hughes, '99
way Company. He is located at Ra rodsburg or seek a location elsewhere,
William R. David is head of the venna, Ky.
Just then conditions arose which in
radio sales department of the Gen
Morris Forman is assistant to the duced Mr. Bowman to look toward Joseph Morrow, '99
His address
eral Electric Company.
construction engineer, Commission of Lexington.
23 South Dean street, Schnectady,
Seweraee. Louisville, Ky. His ad
Transylvania University had ceas
New York.
dress is 829 South Third street.
ed to be, either as a college or uni John Emerson Hestand, .'00,
Charles F. DeMay, Jr., is with the
' Central Hudson Gas and Electric
versity. It had an endowment of $60,
Company of Pougheepsie, N. Y.
Garland H. B. Davis is living at 000, ample and beautiful grounds,
attorney 770 Belmont street, Watertown, Mass, fine old building, a good library and Leslie undley? 'i00
Carl Henry Denker is an
and is located' in Paducah, Ky.
Sol Henry DeBrovy is living at 1228
David Russel Dudley is instructor South First street, Louisville, Ky,
High school
living in Midway, Ky.
of science in the Central
Thomas Almon Jones, '00
Vivian Elsie DeLaine, (Mrs. E.
Nevile Fincel is living at 638 T.ayof Evansville. Ind. His address is Hunt) is living in Cape Charles, Va,
avenue, Frankfort, Ky.
Washington avenue.
Bertha Depew is living at 424 Lm lor
Gustave B. Foster is with the State Charles Dickens Lewis, '01
Richard Lindsey Duncan is a farm den Walk, Lexington, Ky.
is managing the Boone Brae
er and
Mariana Devereux, (Mrs. Matthew Rating Bureau, Jackson, Miss.
DeBoor) is livine at 118 Woodland
Farms at LaGrange, Ky.
Isabelle Thomson Darnell is living Gibson Walker Taylor, '01
Eleanor Flora Eaker is teaching in avenue. Lexington, Ky.
the Livingston County High school at
Isabelle C. Dickey, (Mrs; Jesse W. in Mayslick, Ky.
Harold Thomas David is living in
Smithland, Ky.
TaDD) is living at 331 A. Harvard
Winchester, Ky.
Eugene Allen Edmonds is an
street, Cambridge, Mass.
Leola Ditto, '02 (Mrs. Guthrie Chilton)
Robert Ellmore Davis, Jr., is a
with the Louisville Railway
James Donald Dinning, is an at
buyer for Swift & Company. He
of Louisville. Ky. His address torney with offices in the
is located at 4301 Stuart street, Den
is 3225 Virginia avenue.
em building, Louisville, Ky.
Flemen Coffee Taylor, '02
Elizabeth Featherston (Mrs. RayJohn R. Drummy is an engineer in ver; Col.
Virginia Crutcher Downing (Mrs
mond E. Tolle) is living on University the Resting laboratory of the Ken
avenue, Lexington, Ky.
tucky State Highway Department John Robert Curry) is living at 101 Mary Wickliffe Austin, '02 (Mrs. Francis Harrison Ellis)
East Lexington avenue, Ashland, Ky,
Frankfort, Ky.
Lois B. Drake is living in Danville
Frank E. Eastwood is with the
Edward S. Dabney is an attorney
with offices in the Security Trust Central Construction and Supply Com
Dewey C. Duncan is instructor of Clarence Albert Galloway, '03
pany of Philadelphia, Penn.
- building, Lexington, Ky.
Mervin Kohn Eblen is an attorney mathematics in the Holmes
Nancy E. Davids is Jiving at 1733
school, Covington, Ky.
Walnut street, Hopkinsville, and is located in Hazard, Ky.
Daniel Y. Dunn is principal of the John Ralph Lancaster, 03
Elizabeth I. Evans is living on the
high school at Finchville, Ky.
John Henry Davis is teaching his- - Newtown pike. Lexington,
Carrie L. Dwyef is instructor
Herndon Julian Evans is editor and
rtory at Davenport College, Lenoir,
manager of the Sun Publishing Com the department of English, Univer Charles Leon Peckinpaugh, '03
North Carolina.
sity of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis.
Marv Elizabeth Davis is head of oanv of Pineville, Ky.
Phillip Edwards is living at 1230
Harry Walker Farmer is with the
the department of science in the high
West Fourteenth street, Owensboro, Edwrad Rand, '03
school at Ocala. Fla. Her address is the United States Veterans Bureau at
Minneapolis, Minn.
703 East Fifth street.
Otto Vernon Elder is living in Pro
Roy H. Farmer is a farmer and
Catherine A. Denton is teaching
vidence, Ky.
Helen Louise Jeager, '04 (Mrs. Carl G. Ramsdell)
James C. Farmer is an attorney
with the firm of Farmer and Farmer
with offices in the Security Trust
Frank H. Darnall, '05
building, Lexington, Ky.
James Newman Faulkner is pastor
of the First Christian church, Jack
Ernest James Murphy, '05
son, Miss.
Enclosed find check for $50.00 for a life membership in the
Samuel D. Fendley is with the
Association of the University of Kentucky. It is underAlumni
General Electric Company at Schnec
stood that this money is to go to an Alumni Fund, the principal
tady, N. Y. His address is 328 Sum Grover Cleveland Mills, '11
mitt avenue.
of which is to be held in trust and the income alone used for
Leonard C. Fielder is an attorney
the running expenses of the Association.
with offices in the Second National Joseph Bishop 'Sanders, '11
Bank building, Ashland, Ky.
Lloyd G. Fitzgerald is with the John
P. Gorman Coal Company of Diablock, Mary Irene Hughes, '12
Amanda Louise Forkner is teaching
English in the high schools of Miami, Harry George Korphage, '12
William Daniel Futrell is an equipAddress for sending Kernel
ment engineer with the Western Joseph Millett Lewis, '12
Electric Company. His address is
J 4060 Sheridan Road, .Chicago, 111.


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