areas: engagement, research, and education. He reiterated that it is not the tyranny of "or.” It
should be the tradition to embrace the genius of "and.”
M. Michael Kagpf" s Remarks
Dr. Karpf spoke on the analogies of undergraduate education and the Medical Center and
talked about financial planning. He referred to the hospital and said it went through a process to
make sure all areas work together. In a study done by Kaufman Hall, an independent consulting
finn that offers integrated, strategic, capital, and financial advisory services for health care, it
was noted that in tenns of resources it would take talented people to become a major medical
center to serve Kentucky well. In order to transform the University to where it needs to be, it
will take a lot of money and resources.
Dr. Karpf noted that the hospital project brought workers from all over Kentucky to the
University. He said that it is important to understand, focus, plan, and put it together. This is
one thing that has worked very well. Undergraduate education is going through the same process
that the hospital previously went through. The University of Kentucky has a special mission in
the state, and getting the University to the next level will have a major impact on the economy of
the state.
N. Richard Messina — Priorities/N ext Steps in Advancing the Institution
Mr. Messina distributed a list of categorized comments and challenges provided by the
Board members at the retreat on Saturday and received input from the Board. The list follows:
Undergraduate Education
l. Strengthen Student Population
Aggressive marketing/leveraging UK brand
Outreach to elementary and secondary schools
2. Strengthen Student Experience
Facilities and infrastructure
Sense of community
Academic program quality
Diversity and inclusion
Honors Program