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The University of Kentucky Alumni Association would like to welcome back graduates from the following
class years: 1962, 1967, 1972, 1977, 1982, 1987 and 1992 for the university-wide 2007 Spring reunion. We
are excited this year to reintroduce reunions to UKalumni and we hope to have a great turnout in order to
continue hosting reunions for many years to come.
We have an exciting slate of activities that you won’t want to miss. We designed our evenn to be fun and
family-friendly and we encourage you to bring your children or grandchildren with you. This weekend is a
celebration for you, and we hope that you willjoin us!
For more information, including event descriptions, pricing, or to registeig call 859-257-8905 or
1-800-269-ALUM, or go online atwww.nkalumni.net.
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_ OR _ 2 7 A pan. Gauege af mueauan Waur Against Ginld Abuse
B 7 0:10 a.rn. Gauge afAns Ba seienes Breakfast
10 a.rn. 7 Naan Qarnpus Taur
Naan 712:45 pan. Lunen
Alumni Association