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al; , - Haw Sweet the Sound. _  
·   Vic.120ry in ohe Music City Bowl J     _
' · ' The Uxwuooat football team`s trxumph over Clemson _  
l ` D » intheGaylordHote1sMus1cC1tyBow11nNashv111e,Tenn, `
_ capped an 86 season,the most wxns for a Kentucky team *`
' andthe first bowl conquest rn 22 years Addxtxonal mxlea »
_ '!' stonesachxeveddurxngtheseasonrncluded ,.;»
f y · ~ The hrstwrh 1naSoutheastern cohterehoe opeher rh , ` " -
. # 19 years y - . \
' ..·   ~ Awrh oyerMroaArrrerroah cohterehee champxon · :·`?· =
_ ' i CentralM1ch1gan I
  ~ The hrstwrh over Georgra rh 10 years  
7* _¢   {_   .- `- ~ Three consecutwefourthaquarter comebackvxctorxes C hl; hg k
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C”"”P””‘*Y ~ Thrro place rh theSEC Easterh Dryrsroh,UK‘s best (
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4 ~ i J. no che team and coaches! * li , -
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Korrroorr Aoonrrr 45