Mrlls Named to ESPN’s All-Mayday Football Team
' Kentucky defensrve tackle Lamar Mrlls was named to ESPN`s Alla
1 3 Mayday Team for the 2006 season The annual team recognrzes players
’ ‘ ‘   who have shown extraordrnary toughness and determrnatron durrng
r ' V ’ . therr collegrate careers
e- ,T . ' Mrlls was selected rn recognrtron ofnot only physrcal toughness but
k \ ," rmlwggy l` _" N   also mental and sprrrtual toughness rn the face of a double dose of ada
·. 1   ~‘;,.rrw . verarfy Mrrra suffered a fora ACL m frre 2005 season opener and mrssed
.,/,, or ,  q nal frre remarnder of the season In frreaame week, hrs famrryte home m
‘» ‘ .    U 1 I   Slrdell,La ,was devastated by Hurrrcane Katrrna Havrng already coma
_ "`    '   ¤ y pleted hrs bachelor`s degree rn only three years,rtwould have been
`*    3 F ` ‘ easy for Mrrre fo warra away from foofoarr However, he deerded to stay
` .¤ r_ ( the course and play hrs linal season
— V V We 1   Mrlls returned to the football held rn 2006 Hrs teammates elected
" 7 ‘ hrm permanent captarn for the 2006 season He reclarmed hrs startrng
]ob at defensrve tackle and helped lead theWrldcats to therr lirst bowlgame rn seven years He also completed hrs
master`s degree rn December from UK`s Patterson School of Drplomacy and Internatronal Commerce
Ignacio, Lyden Honored by SEC Lane Voted SEC
Coach Mrke Lyden and Tayrn Ignacro were named the
  e Oaer of         Or.ra   Sgggggggggggjgg ;*Hg*;; gggg M Gd
for frre fmrd consecutrve season Ignacro oeoame only th S th Y [ C f ‘“ F fb Us h 1 Athi?
frreaeeorrd female drver m frrerrrefory of frre sEC fo ih °§{ eas mt °‘;m“§€m°°l B ° ° B; L 5 5
threeapeat m frre prafform event,settrng pool and sEC ° de E? ‘“ if mg °“€ % §§*鑧;°afj “d Elf
records by scorrng 319 75 She also captured gold on frre g"‘ “““’ ‘“h‘ “’iY"“""§‘l B H an ka °“ 5
oneametersprrngboard Ignacro took home errver m frre {“a]°'5“ ant {‘i¥’° °¥Y Fmt ??’§"“ 5 ‘iWf‘ "§
threeameter ooard,frre hrst trme m rrer career she rrad £‘;’E;s[°€]‘R§C;[";§;a‘;f’fh;';Oni§'€€ ‘“ " °'Y ane "
placed rn the event In three seasons wrth Kentucky, Iga
nacro has ca tured live SEC trtles, three on the latform . .
and two on llre rwoamefer board P Kerth Madrson lnducted
Lyden also was recognrzed for the thrrd consecutrve
mrarreaaoaeaareo.V.rgooarorrreyear |n=¤ AWA Hall nf Fame
Thrs rs frre nrnth trme m hrs career rre rrae reeewed rms Fenner Kentnekv baseball waen Kertn Madrsen Was
honor Undop ms mtolago ho has ooaohod ms dwmg rnducted rnto theAmerrcan Baseball CoachesAssocraa
teams to rv sEC Crramprommpa throughout me reayear tren Hail <>fFanne Madrsen began nrs eareer at UK at
[onmo at Komuoky and fom at LSU the age of25 He retrred after 23 seasons as the thrrda
wrnnrngest coach (735) rn the Southeastern Conference
UK W¤men Wrn Frrst  ¥§;`gfr‘§{§§5L‘2,i{“§’£i§r$’a‘§§"8€S3“r§e
Kentucky SEQ Re|ey '|'i;|e UK career,Madrson eoaerred as prayers who were erfrrer
The quartet ofsenror Nrkra Deveaux and ]unrors Hear, djtted O; egnljd ¤r¤te$·¤¤e* jentreete ·¤¤*¤d·¤e 1**
er Bradford, Ienny Bradford and Lauren wrrrre erarmed W ° '“‘° 5 ‘ 5 ‘“a]°‘ “‘g“" ere
the lirst SEC relay trtle rn UK hrstory as they took gold rn .
frre 200afreeafyre reray at frre SEC Swrmmrng Crramproaa Gleanlngs. . .
snrps The relay team qnairned fer aNCAA Wstandard Senror goarreAmre ogrmdere and freerrmar. Gmrearra
Wnrie settrng a new UK varsrty reeerd and Lancaster Lopez were oofrr rroaored as ArraAmerroaaa oy sooeer
Atrnatre Center rewrd Wrtn a Wrn rn the tnne ef 1 29 27 rama .Senror catcher Sean Coughlrn rraa garnered Nar
tronal Collegrate BaseballWrrters Assocratron lirstateam
Bpewn Ppgmgtgd rrorrora Teammates Collrn Cowgrll (ora) and Greg Dome
. . browskr (RHP) earned thrrdateam honors on the NCBV
T¤ Defensrve Gnnrdrnatnr wa praeaeorarraaraerroar rearaoweereywoodyard,
Steve Brown wrll be callrng plays as the defensrve coora Jacob Tamme,Andre Woodson, Keenan Burton and
drnator for the footballWrldcats Last season hems the MrchaelArtcheson were named to the AllSEC football
defensrve backs coach Wrth theUKstaffsrnce 2003,he team selected by the league`s coaches,.,Iustrn Ieffrres,
played for coach Rrch Brooks at Oregon rn 197982 as a Mrcah Iohnson,Trevard Lrndley and Lones Serber were
defensrve back and krck returner, earnrng a spot on the named to the Freshman AllaSEC team by the league`s
AllaPacrlic 10 Team each season Brown played erght years coaches
wrth the NFL`s Houston Orlers and coached srx years wrth
St Lours, rncludrng rts 2000 Super Bowl champronshrp