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Whoauos Honors UK BaskotballTrad1t1on
Dxd you get your box ofWheat1es7W1th the college basketball season ln a full court
press,Wheat1es announced aspecxalredxtxon package desxgn featurxng the elxte UK
Wxldcats men`s basketball program, xntroduced ln Lexxngton by coach TubbySm1th
Kentucky has buxlt a reputatxon by whxch the standard ln basketball has been set,
behttxng ofthe "Breakfast of Champxons" tradxtxon of honorxng remarkable champxons
For over a century, Kentucky Wxldcat teams have had an unparalleled legacy,
maxntaxnxng college basketball`s wxnnxngest tradxtxon As sevenrtxme natxonal
champ1ons(1948, 1949, 1959, 1958, 1978, 1996 and 1998), Kentucky men`s basketball
teams have accumulated more overallw1ns,more natxonal postseason tournament
appearances and w1ns,more Southeastern Conference champxonshxps and more SEC
Tournament txtles than any other school