Background Buzz Researchers across UK stlmulate economlc growth dlrectly by dlscoverlng new knowle
_ _ _ _ edge and creatlng new products and appllcatlons that advance sclence,buslness, and lnduse
TMS wm hrghlrghw 23 try rhcreaee famlly rhcerrre, ahtl elevate the quallty of llfe ter Kehtrrclrrahe
projeds aimed at S0}ving UK researchers are advanclng agrlculture, transformlng Kentucky`s tobacco herltage,
|he“KenI1|d&y Uglies" and pllotlng lmproved agrlcultural practlces and products Tobacco and other crops are
by improving Kent\|d&y's belng used to produce hlghequallty pharmaceutlcals and hlghetech products,advance the
sd.00]s_ business djmmB_ commerclallzatlon process, and teach future Kentucky leaders entrepreneurshlp
environment heel"` Kentucky ls the"Horse Capltal ofthe World," butUS states and forelgn countrles are
mmmldlifestyles worklng to end our domlnance UK researchers are collaboratlng wlth Kentucky equlne
These Pmjeds me assoclatlons and organlzatlons to reverse thls trend They wlll provlde researchebased,
nl “C educatlon and servlceeorlented programs,apply UK resources to support equlneebased
° °'“"}°“‘,,°·’m‘ eceherrrrc development, errpahereh, ahtl tlrvererhcatreh, and plah cooperatlvely wrth the
€•>¤*¤*>¤¤=¤v=¤- =¤ Kehtrrclry equlne rhtlrretry
¤¤¤¤¤··¤1p0¤Q1¢¤1jS¤¤= New health care errpertree,techhrqrree,ahtl pharrrracerrtrcale save lrvee, reduce ceeteahtl
lr¤r¤¤=¤=|¤rlr bmlimg attract hew populatlons For example,oneUK researcher re developlng hew teele ahtl eye,
UK's researdrers, K-12 tems for mlnlmally lnvaslve surgery reduclng the rlsk of lnfectlon,speedlng recovery, and
educnors, independent slgnlflcantly lowerlng costs
heallhmleproviders, UK researchers are reclalmlng mlned coal land,lmprovlng water quallty,developlng
e“gNPm“e“.s_j.\d`.sg1j&s_ sustalnable new lndustrles,and turnlng coal burnlng bleproducts and pollutants lnto suse
hm] government omdak talnable,commerclally competltlve resources,lndustrles,and ]obs UK land reclamatlon
and Pdvme ddmns who technlques reduce costs of coal power and reclalmlng mlned lands Envlronmentallye
Wm Pm_'idPmBi“_m.d related economlc developments extend and enhance the quallty of llfe
xgigfom time Equine Initiative
Thls pro]ect seeks to bolster Kentucky`s horse lndustry,whlch has endured a contractlon
The flve rmrin mmgories ln the past two decades The goal ls to lncrease Kentucky`s share of the estlmated $102 blle
ofmllabomtives me: llon horse lndustry by provldlng research,educatlon and outreach programs and lncrease
• envi]-onluem the responslveness ofUK`s research and outreach programs to emerglng lssues and chale
, hea"]. mw lenges faclng the lndustry T`hls partnershlp was establlshed through efforts of the Gluck
, · Equlne Research Foundatlon, the KentuckyT`horoughbred Assoclatlon/KentuckyT`hore
_ ;g°“';,';:';fI'i°"°l°l""°“° oughbred owhere ahtl Breeders, and College rrmgrrcrrltrrre faculty and atlrrrrhretratere
timmy dm Technology
Project REVEAL
Project REVEAL (Reconstructlon,Enhancement,Vlsuallzatlon and ErgonomlcAse
sessment for Laparoscopy),led byW BrentSeales of theUK College ofEnglneerlng`s
Department of Computer Sclence, uses largescreen pro]ectlon to provlde laparoscoplc
surgeons wlth a greater vlew of mlnlmally lnvaslve surgerles, thus reduclng rlsks of these
procedures T`hls prolect partners UK wlth the Unlverslty of Maryland Medlcal Center
Entrepreneurship and Plant Bioengineering
The Iolnt Prolect for Entrepreneurshlp and Plant Bloenglneerlng teaches studenu entre
preneurshlp skllls,accelerates the commerclallzatlon of technology and creates new
market opportunltles for tobacco and other Kentucky crops
Headed by Ioe Chappell and H Maelor Davles ln the College ofAgrlculture,thls
prolect alms to use blotechnology and genetlc englneerlng to enable Kentuckyenatlve
plants such as tobacco as sources for new natural products for medlcal and other
appllcatlons,demonstratlng the vlablllty ofUKedeveloped agrlcultural blotechnology to
the lnvestment communlty
 |])([[3 Gabrlel Wllmoth,UK Natural ProductsAlllance, and Dean Harvey,Von Allmen Center
for Entrepreneurshlp, complement these efforts by brlnglng together student teams, exe
fm·;{g[ai[;, yigy myw_uky_ pert faculty,and communlty mentors to accelerate the commerclallzatlon and technology
Bd',/yg/gg/BB“”u,"jg_['[," transfer process at UK