
Mercer, Ferguson and Chaplin chapels in Nelson, Level
Woods (now Larue county), Brick Chapel in Shelby,
Ebenezer in Clark, Grassy Lick in Montgomery, Muddy
Creek and Foxtown in Madison, Mount Gerizim in Har-
rison, Thomas Meeting House in Washington (now Ma-
rion), Sandusky Station, now Pleasant Run in Marion,
and Cane Ridge in Bourbon county.
   The first Gasper River camp meeting held in the sum-
mer of 1800 was attended by a great multitude and
proved a success. Baptist, Methodist and Presbyterian
preachers were each given the opportunity to expound
their particular doctrine. There were many conversions
and among them several who in later years became dis-
tinguished preachers.
   In the early summer of 1801, Father Rice, James Mc-
Cready and Calvin Campbell conducted a great camp
meeting in the Cumberland country. Rumors of its suc-
cess spread throughout Kentucky and many men rode
weary miles through lonely forest trails to attend.
   Among those who came a great way, was Barton W.
Stone. In 1796 he had been licensed by the Orange Pres-
bytery of North Carolina. Soon afterwards, emigrating
to Kentucky he settled in Bourbon county and occasion-
ally preached for the Cane Ridge and Concord churches.
He was ordained in 1798 by the Transylvania Presbytery
and received a unanimous call to become the pastor of
these two churches.
   Greatly impressed by the good work done at the camp
meeting; filled with the spirit which took possession of
all, the refined as well as the uneducated, he returned to
his congregations and relating his experiences, fired them
with the zeal of the meeting which yet inspired him; and
by his preaching produced upon them the same effect,
even to "the jerks," or bodily demonstrations.