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' INDEX, * i 203    
  »»F2·12‘;’j· Y
" Harper, J. N ....................... .... ...... . ........` ...C ........,.........,.. . .,....,.... ~vi il,}  
g Hobson, _Gen. E. H . ................ . .............,............. . .... . ................ v  
Holt, judge Wm H ..... . ........................... . .................................... V, 1 ·  
,  Horticultural Division, report of Directo on. ........,.......,...,.............. x. 4 ,  
Howard, L. O., 011 tl1e chinch bug ........ . ............ ‘ ..... . ..... ‘ ................ 68    
· Humpries, H011. jos. A., mineral water brought b y ......... , ................. xxvii    
_ _ james, C. F., as to abundance and growth of ginseng ............. T ......... l33.    
justa Pogis (jersey cow), butter test of ,.............. . ....... . ................. xiv, xv l  
· ` Keller, G. N., assistance rendered by .....,....... i. ..... . .... , ...,. . ........ xxx, xxxi i  
Kennedy, ]0h11 B. ......................................................................... v, viii   -
Land, report on ............. . ............... ., ........,........... . ....................... xii  
1 ' Landes, judge jos. I .... .. ..... . ................................ . ......... . .... ... v  
' ” Le Baron, Dr. \\’m , 011 the cl1i11cl1 bug ............ . ..........,........ ...65, 66, 67  
Letter of Transmittal ..   ..,........ . ............... . ....,..... . .................... iii  
Limestones, a11alyses of .................,... . ...... . ........... .. .................... xxii  
L1111¤e1, Dr 5 A., OH me ¤11111e11 bug ...... . ...................... . ........ 47, 52, ess  
` Lugger, Otto, 011 the chinch bug. ................. i. .. ., ............................ 68 ,69  
' Lydia D. 2nd (jersey cow), butter test of .........,.............,.. . ............. xiv  
Marcum, j B ., ......................................... T ............ . ...................... v _  __·° 
Mathews, C. W ...... . ....,......... , ................. . ,.......... . ........... . .......... vi  
Bulleti11 No. 73 by . ..,...‘ . . .... . ...... . ........,................. 27   . ~ 
report of Divisi011 of Horticulture by . ...... . .............. xxxii   .
Matthews, john G. .... . ..................... . ............. · ........,... - ...........   v _  
May (jersey cow), butter test of ...... . .......... . ................. .. ............. xv  
McElroy, 11011. c. U .............................   .   .......,........ .. ....   V  
MCIlltOSll, C. T., n1i11eral water Séllt by ............ . ......... . .... . .....,.... xxvii  'g~
McKee, Miss Mary, mineral water S€llt by. ....... . ..........,........ e ......   xxiv yi 
· McKee, N. L , mineral water se11t by ..... . ................. . ...................... xxiv )  
McKenna, H., mineral water from well of-: ...... . ..........................., xxvi ,  
Mercuric chloride 011 potatoes ............ . .,.................. . .........,. . ........ 4 L  
Meteorological summary . .......,........,. . ................. . ................... :.. xxxiv  
, Miller, Prof. A. M., 1ni11eral brought by..J ....................................... xxiii  
` phosphatic material collected by ........................ xvi   _
Mineral, analysis of ..................... . .............................................. xxiii n  
- Mineral waters, analyses of ...... . ......... xxiii, xxiv, xxv, xxvi, xxvii, xxviii i  
Moore, Hon. Lucas, fHI‘IIl€1‘S` institutes conducted by. ....................... xxx  
` Mu11cy, V, E ..................   ..................... v ...........   ..................   V, viii  
report of Division of Meteorology by .....................,..... xxxiv  
, _ Nanoonan (jersey cow), butter test of.. . . .............. , ...................... . xv  
' Nitre earth, etc., analyses of ................ . ..... . ....,....... .. .................. xvi ,  
L ` Newman, \V. H. & Co., on 3l1lOllllt of ginseng handled ......... . .......... 129 ~  
l Nuckols, B. \V , nitre earth sent by .-.. . ........ . .... . .... . ........................ xvi  
L Nurseries, inspection of ............ . ......... . .......... . .......................... xxix  
. , Nursery inspection law ...... . .................................................... . .... xxix ‘  
* Nursery stock, pests likely to be disseminated on . .....   . ............... xxxi .-,9 _’» __ je
i Nysius augnstatus .............. . ....... . ................. . .... . ................... .. .. 54   Q,}
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