Professor Edward Tuthill spoke at tho
Court House at Frankfort, October 29 on
Government" explaining
the strong nnd wenk points of it's operation. Professor Tuthill also read a paper to tho Bradford Memorial Society at
tho Lexington Public Library, November
grmlunto of the College
8, on recent progress' in Kentucky.
and nt present n suc-



L. NIsbct, n

of Law in 1015

In Selecting a University


Seniors arc Requested to
Submit an Interesting


cessful lnwycr in Mnilisonvlllc, Ky., was
On account of tho
n visitor nt tho University Inst week.
football game last Saturday, all freshmen were excused from Matriculation
Judge Lnffcrty announces thnt the Lecture.
Pennsylvania Stnto College has placed
Amanda Forkncr nnd May Dcnncy
this College of Law on its accredited list
of law schools. That college has no law spent the week end nt the homo of Marschool connected with it but when stu- garet Gruggs in Danville..
Hnrrlet Chatficld visited with Miss
dent wishes to tako 3 years of work in
tho Arts and Scinccs department there her homo in Covington this week-enPansy Meyers spent tho weed-ennt
nnd then como hero and take ono year of
law ho may do so and receive credit for her home in Covington this weed-enAmanda Gordon, Frnnces Price, nnd
his law work as the fourth pear in the
Arts and Science department. There- Eleanor Hall nttended the game at
Danville Saturday and spent Sunday at
by entitling him to his degree.

For a college education,
taken into consideration:

Tho attention of nil organizations,
and clubs is cnllcd to tho reserving space in tho Kcntuckinn by making their deposit with C. V. Watson,
business manager, before November 20.
Many orgnnizntions on the enmpus have
mentally reserved space without telling
the Kcntuckinn mnnngor and expect to
appear as usual a3 they have had their

Centre-Kentuck- y

photographs or group pictures taken.
This much promptness is appreciated
and only a similar promptness is left
to bo shown in making tho necessary
payment for space, Please see Mr. Watson before November 20 in the Kcntuck-iu- n
office which Is open every afternoon
K. C. W..
Alico Cnsscl spent the week end at her for calls.
Ed. Gregg '22 art editor of the
home in Hnrrodsburg.
may be found in tho Kcntuckinn
Louise Conncl visited nt her home in
office daily to adviso or direct tho fraParis Saturday and Sunday.
Eva Wesley spent tho week-enwith ternity club representatives elected to
make up pages for the annual. The
friends in Bcrcn.
Mnblc Ruth Coates nnd Gcrtude Col- mounting board is uniform and should
lins visited with friends at K. C. W. at bo secured from C. V. Wntson immediately as the "dead line" placed upon this
Danville last week-enFifty-nin- e
girls from Smith, Maxwell work is November 25.
Unusual and attractive arangcment3
and Patterson Halls attended the game
have been panned for tho campus orgaat Danville.
nization section and other orginal sugMisses Myrtio Clar, Alleen Fratman, gestions are welcome and will bo used
Bertha Craft of the University of Ken- if practical. Charles W. York, head artist
tucky and Mis3 Ruth Jeffers of Hamil- from the Stanfford Engraving Company
ton College spent last week-en- d
with which is in charge of the Kcntuckian contract, has spent several profitable days
Misses Mary and Nancy Snock.
with the staff and tho newest art suggestions have pecn procured for the use
Tho program of the Psychology Club,
of U. K's '22 Yearbook.
which met November 1, at 4:30 p. m. at
Individuals who have failed to have
the homo of Miss Brookie Tompkins on their photographs made by this date, are
the Nicholasville Road, consisted of a asked to visit the studio of the local
talk by Dr. Miner on "Standardizing photographer nnd turn them in by no
Tests for Vocational Guidance" and n later than November 26. All Seniors are
"question box" conducted by members especially saked to observe promptness
of the club. Hot chocolate and wafers
in this request, and in submitting an
were served and a social time enjoyed.
interesting snapshot suitable for use on
The next meeting of the club will be
their Senior page.
held in the Psychology Laboratory Tuesday, November 15 at 3:45. An interesting program has been arranged, and n JOHN DICKER RETURNS
full attendance is desired.


Dr. McVey returns the last of this
week from New Orleans, where ho attended meetings of two associations, the
National Association of State Univcr-siti- s,
November 7 nnd 8, of which ho is
'secretary-treasure- r,
and the Association
of Land Grant Colleges, November
D. C. Duncan delivered tho first of a
series of talks to be made by students to
members of the White Mathematics Club
at the regular meeting, Tuesday, November 1. His subject was, "Definitions,
Axioms, and Postulates."
An announcement of the officers of
this club was recently published erroneously in these columns thru no fault of
the Kernel. Miss LeSturgeon is presi
dent, and Professor H. H. Downing,


2. The scholastic standing and ability
of the Teaching Staff.

At the University, beginning Monday
November 14, and continuing through
Friday November 18, there will be a fifteen minute prayer meeting held in the
office of the Secretary of the Y. M. C.
A. This meeting will begin at 1:30. All
Y. M. C. A. all over the country will
observe a week of prayer.
Beginning Sunday, November 13, tho
students are urged to be present to
unite in prayer for tho students of tho
world. They are especially urged to be
present at the time of the meeting of the
International Conference at Washington
for tho nations of the world.

The location and advantages of


Equipment, buildings, laboratories
and libraries.

5. Cost.
In all these respects the University of Kentucky commends itself to those seeking a higher institution in which
to carry on their education.

including Liberal Arts, Sciences,
All Departments,
Agriculture, Law, Education, Mining, Civil, Electrical and
Mechanical Engineering.



Mr. John B. Dicker, superintendent of
shops, at the University of Kentucky, returned Friday from a trip of five months
to his old home In England. Mrs. Dicker
nnd John Dicker, Jr. who accompanied
him for tho trip, arrived home Thursday. Mr. Dicker stopped at Pittsburg,
Penn., to see Prof. Paul Anderson, coming on from thero Friday.
While in England Mr. Dicker visited a
to. act as instructor and assistant pro- number of notable educational schools
fessor in the Department of Military especially
Science nt the University of Kentucky. courses, for he is extremely interested
Captain Marsh is expected to arrive to in his work nt the University where he
assume his duties within the next few has rendered splendid service for the
past fourteen years.
As a recognition of his services the
The White Mathematics Club met trustees of tho University granted him
Ho re
Tuesday, November 1, and a paper by D. fivo months leave of absence.
C. Duncan, '22 was read. His subject turns to the University even better preAxioms, pared to direct the practical work of
was "Relating to Definitions,
Postulates and Assumptions." The next the Engineering students and is welmeeting will bo Tuesday, November 15, comed home by many warm friends.

Building. Mr.
Room 310, Civil-PhysiW. J. Brczler will have charge of the
meeting and his subject will be "Class
and Discrete Sequences."
A great many chemical formulas contain the letter C and H and are followed
by numerals as 6 so why was the Chem
Freshman ridiculed when he asked, while
"Are you going to Danville?" was the strolling over tho Centre College camquestion on every lip tho latter part of pus, "What does C6- - Ho go off into?"
last week. And most replies were in
Tho Mystic Thirteen, honorary junior
tho affirmative.
By Friday afternoon tho six hundred fraternity entertained in a party at
scats on sale at the book store were gone, the Ben All theatre Thursday evening,
but, undaunted by being unable to get after which refreshments with tho coltickets, many students went on tho con- ors and insigna of tho fraternity carried
The members of the
out, was served.
tingency of procuring standing room.
Tho nine coaches of tho special train Fraternity nre: James Shouse, Gilbert
which left the Southern station at 21:30 Smith, Ryan Ringo, Sam Ridgeway Carl
were well filled and hundreds of motor- Lipe, Jack Griffin, Harry Brailsford, Bill
ists took advantage of the beautiful day Finn, Otis Jones and Bowman Grant.
to drive down; so that when tho gamo
was called on Cheek Field at 3 o'clock
the blue and white was as conspicuous A Freshman went forth to serenade
Tho lady ho loved the best;
as tho white and gold in tho bleachers.
Tho band was there In full strength He went to tho houso at evening
When the sun had gone to rest.
nnd, led by Dan Baugh and Sponsor
Margaret Smith, It paraded tho field Ho wurbled thero till daylight
And would have warbled more,
several times between tho halves, coming to a halt In front of tho Kentucky But morning light disclosed tho sign
section and playing "My Old Kentucky "For Rent" upon the door.

Cadet Hop Committee
Arrange Dances



University of Kentucky




You Are Welcome

Liberty Clothing Co.
Ray McGouam

ClotheslForlCollege Men
Also Shoes, Hats, Furnishings


Graddy-Rya- n

S kmc





Tine Candle Glow
AT earoom

for College People

152 East High Street

Company, G. E. Rouse, 1st Sorgennt, "A"
Company, Silas Wilson, Major, II. J.
Hopkins, Cadet "B" Company, E. A. Gans
Adjutant, W. M. Embry, Cadet, "C"

Minister Would you care to join us
in tho new missionary movement?
Miss a la Mode I'm crazy to try It.
Is it anything like tho
"I stole a march on them all right,"
said tho kleptomaniac us she walked out
of tho ten cent storo with a sheet of
music in her muff. Cornell Widow.


Campus Togs


The committee for tho arrangements of
the dates for tho eix hops to be given by
the battalion of cadets of the Uni
versity has been appointed by Colonel
George D. Freeman of tho Department
of Military Science. The committee wiil
schedulo tho dates for the hops and will
determine the admission fee.
Tho committee as appointed by Colonel
Freeman follows: Chairman: Gerald
Griffin, Cadet Lieutenant Colonel, Eliza
beth Kimbrough, Major Sponsor. Members, S. C. Cnrtor, 2nd Lieutenant, "A"


We are always Glad to See You
Trade or No Trade
161 East Main
Opposite Union Station
Come In and get Acquainted

The Sunday Magazine of the Courier-Journ- al
contained a two page article entitled "Art and the Theatre" written by
Professor Carl Sax, head of the Art Department. In the article was an insert of
Professor and two illustrations of tho
Dr. P. K. Holmes, head of tho DepartVagabond Theatre, in Baltimore, where
ment of Hygiene and Public Health left
engaged as director
Professor Sax was
Friday to attend the Fifteenth National
before coming to the university of Ken- American
Public Health Association
Convention in New York. Ho will be
In the articlo Professor Sax discussed absent from the dispensary for a week.
the necessity of the creative artist in
the Little Theatre Movement, also scene
Captain Fred T. Marsh has been orderpainting, which today is admitted to be
ed by the United States Government
one of tho Fine Arts- - Professor Sax
Crichton," and from the 40th infantry in West Virginia

used "The Admirable
"The Mikado," which were produced by
the University as examples of the innumerable opportunities stagecraft offers for

The men at the head of the Institution.


The Botany Club mot Wednesday November 2 at 7:30 at Dr. McFnldand's residence with W. A. Anderson, president,
presiding over the meeting.
spoke on "Mushrooms" and illustrated his speech with lantern slides. A
social hour and refreshments followed.

there are five things to be

Luncheon, Afternoon Tea, Dinner
Special Service to College Parties

2062-- y
