Wildcats Trample Washington & Lee Generals in Fastest Game of Year
Fraternity Basketball Quintets Start
Play for Intra-murChampionship




34 TO 28
The University of Kentucky Wildof h Wh-inocats turn"H the
aid Lne Generals into a dislast Friday night, in
astrous retr-th
f"nasium. bfore approx-i-!t- ii
back from seemingly certain defrat
at the half to win by 34 to 28. It
was th fifth Sonthe-- n
game won by the 'Cats.
Joynes opened the attack for the
Generals ?n Vhe first iw"nts of the
game, and before the Wildcats knew
the contest had started, they were
trailing by 17 to 5. During the latter
part of the session Kentucky beeran
to catch tin. but nt the half the Vir
pinia boys were still on the long end
of a 20 to 11 score.
Kentucky found hersrlf at the be
ginning of the second half, and started a drive which the Generals were
n?vr nuite able to repulse. Jeffries
found his old form, caging two field
in ranid succession.
followed and then Jenkins tied the
count, which created such a furore
among the fans that it seemed that
everyone had gone mad. Kentucky's
forwards then came out of their daze
and Combs tossed a field goal, giving
the 'Cats the lead for the first time
Milwa-- d.
former Lexineton Blue
JVvil, subt;tuted at center at the
half and held Spotts, who had made
fifteen points in the opening period,
to a single free throw in the second
half. Jenkins excelled m his" guard
inc. and Combs and Jeffries, working
together in faultless manner, passed
to each other and kept the ball m
circulation. Milward, however, was
the outstanding player.
Kentucky was weak on free throws,
corrmletine' only four in eleven tries
The Generals made good ten out of
twelve shots.
The line-u(28) W. & L
KeatHcky (34) Pos
(5) Eiglebach
.. (1) Lowry
Jefries (9) ... . F.
.. (16) Spotts
(2) Wood
Jenkins (7)
McGinnis (1)
- (2) Joynes
'nWiutions: Kentucky Combs
W. & L. Ebert,
(12). Milward (2)
Howe, Nance (2).
Referee Lane, Cincinnati








Eleven games have baen played so
in the intramural
basketball tournament with most all
f the contests close" and interesting
AmonEr the teams that
ave already exhibited their skill the
igma Nu's and Alpha Sigma Phi's
iora as the best bets for division
The winners in each division of the
meet will play for
the fraternity championship and the
vinner of this game will play the independent champions for the univer
sity cup. The independent champion- -



ship will be decidec between the
church ieague teams and the dormi.
tory and town fives.
The tournament finals will be play-cd March 2. Good crowds have been
turning out for the
contests and the ardent fans have
been rewarded with a high class
brand of basketball.
M. E. Potter, head of the intramural department, is in charge of the
meet and Roush and Griffin are the
officials par excellence.
The summary of the games up to
Wednesday follows:

Division I.
Sigma Alpha Epsilon, 29; Phi Sigma Kappa, 14.
Delta Chi, 15; Sigma Chi, 11.
Kappa Alpha, 11; Alpha Tau
Omega, 8.
Alpha Gamma Epsilon, 9; Delta
Chi, 24.
Division II.
Sigma Nu, 33; Sigma Beta Xi, 4.
Kappa Sigma, 10;
Phia Delt
Theta, 5.

Delta Tau Delta, 28; Phi Kappa
Tau, 6.
Alpha Sigma Phi, 19; Delta Tau
Delta, 13.

hectic, namely, "Tiny"
Hearn. This year Hearn is not with
the team, but nevertheless they are
said to have a' mighty good team and
(By Bill Keep)
a thrilling game is assured. We won
the game in 1926 by a close margin
Well, the 'Cats did it last Friday,
It is never a good policy to offer and this year the Blue and White will
alibis for a defeat, but we do feel do their best to repeat.
Dut it was looking pretty tough for
the boys during the first half. With that the Wildcats would have played
much better game against Indiana
department is
The Intra-murthe score standing 20 to 11 at the if the game the night before with
again coming to the front.
end of the first half in favor of the W. and L. had not been so strenutime it is. in the way of sponsoring
Jenerals, the 'Gats came back in the ous, requiring all of their stamina. an intra-murbasketball meet beecond part with their traditional They immediately left for Louisville tween the campus fraternities and
Ighting spirit and tied the score be- bus the game, going in a special other school teams. The league wa:
and remained there all night, officially opened last Monday night ir
fore the Generals knew what it was 'eaving the next morning
for Bloom-ngto- the Men's gym where six games
After that it was a nip
ill about.
Taking all of those things were played.
'.nd tuck affair all the way, but the nto consideration, the trip to Indiana
vas a hard one on the team and
Slue and White managed to main-aiThese games have always proved
it did not help their playing. to be interesting and there is always
a slight lead through the reWe admit, and with pleasure, that a great deal of enthusiasm over then
maining moments of the game.
"ndiana has a great team and that outcome.
departThe '
The victory over Washington and hey deserved to win.
ment is again offering some verj
Lee was the fifth out of six conferhandsome trophies to the winners ant
ence foes who have fallen before the
this is a wonderful opportunity io:
On Wednesday night of this week
Kentucky a prominent standing in th
:he Wildcats will take on the Comconference.
modores of Vanderbilt at Nashville
'or the second meeting of these two
The game with Indiana last Saturearns. Kentucky won the first game
day night was a tough one to lose
especially since the way the
lere and according to dope they
hould repeat. At the time of this
held the Big Red during th
Titing we, of course, do not know
first half. The score at that time wa
he outcome of the game, but we do
18 to 14 in favor of the Hoosiers
"eel safe in predicting a victory.
The followers of the Blue and Whit'
Then, on Thursday night of this
had hopes of a victory since the 'Cat
eek, Kentucky will play Tennessee
always play better ball during th'
second half. But the pace was mucl
i a return game, this game also batoo great for our boys, and graduallj ng played away from home. The
the Big Red team pulled away to r Vildcats won the first game from
comfortable lead. The final score he Volunteers in rather an easy
ashion, but this time they may
was 48 to 29.
much stiffer opposition as
hey are playing on a foreign court
nd will be somewhat handicapped.
ret they should win this game and
e believe they will.







at Annapolis to a standstill on cats showed their extreme fatigue,
the preceding nights. Then last week which was more than ever evident
Washington and Lee was trounced on since Indiana, one of the strongest
one night, and the next night, fol- teams in the Big Ten, was fresh after
A stalwart band of Wildcats, led lowing a very tiresome trip, the Wild- - a week's rest.
by Captain Paul Jenkins, entrained
for Nashville last Tuesday night,
bent upon the sole mission of successfully invading the stronghold of
the Vanderbilt Commodores and the
Tennessee Volunteers on successive
nights. Vandy furnished the opposition on Tuesday night, and TenTOURINGS - ROADSTERS
nessee on Wednesday night.
After these games, which constiOPEN DAY AND NIGHT
tute the last road trip of the season
Rate 15 cents per Mile
for the Wildcat quintet, the team will
play Georgia Tech and Centre here,
before the Southern Conference tourU
Coach Mauer and his squad are
PHONE 7070
endeavoring to wind up the season
string of victories after the
with a
disastrous walloping handed to thr
Blue and White at Indiana last week
end. Tthe basketball squad, made up
is a whole by sophomores, witn tne
exception of Captain Jenkins, has
Are cordially invited to acquaint yourselves with the
.hown the effects of the strain under
excellent Meals and Fountain Service which are always
which it is playing, especially when
everal hard games follow in Tapir
available at
This was the case in thr
Maryland embroglio, in which instance the 'Cats were turned back by s
37-- 7
score, after defeating Virginir
in a close game and fighting the Mid
PHONE 2386



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Agents for

Last year the games were vei

well attended and it is hoped that th
student body will again turn out an
"root" for their favorites. There ii
no reason why there shouldn't be 1
large attendance this year, even bet
ter than before. There is no admis
sion charged until the championshi;

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"Hockey ispretty strenuous it takes
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old puch.1 can't afford to take any
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In addition to the pleasure I get
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able degree Finally, I never suffer
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To bring the week to a grand finale
he Wildcats will take on the Yellow
"ackets from Georgia Tech tomorrow
light on their own floor. This will

je the first time that Kentucky has
net Georgia Tech in any branch of
ports on their own grounds since
he "hectic" game of 1926 when the
fellow Jackets invaded Lexington
with a crack team which boasted a

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