l Baptist Training Union (Continued) i
Purpose; Advancement of religious education and spiritual welfare. é
Normal Civic Activities; None, ~ Q
Defense Activities; None reported. i
Local Publications: None. L
CHRISTIAN YOUTH FELLOUSHIP (Christian Youth Fellowship of Kentucky), VL
Christian Church, Sturgis. Founded 1934. Executive Secretary, Hhs. Q
Clarence Cisco, Adams Street, Sturgis, Telephone 189-J, Term indefinite, Q
Membership; I5. Open to youths of high school and college age. é
Purpose; Study of religion and missions. ;§
Normal Civic Activities: None. Ԥ
--—~·~···~···········~· s
Defense Activities; None reported. V?
Local Publications; None. · r&
COURTS OF CALANTHIANS (Colored), c/o Fannie Simms, O’Bannon Street, Mor- §@
ganfield. Founded l900. YI. C. , Della Harris , Mergganfield. Secretary.  
Fannie Simms. Terms expired February, l942. ·§
Membership; l3. Open to sisters of members of the Knights of Pythias. E
Comndttces; Sick, Nancy Hughes, Morganfield. i
Purpose: Providing for members who are ill. §
Normal Civic Activities; Cooperation with charity progress. "L
Defense Activities: Interested_in Sewing and PF®p&F&fi0H ef Surgical JN
Dressings, Red Cross Assistance, Preparation and Serving of Feed, Opera- Q
tion of Cantoens, Family Social Service in Industrial Areas, Child Care. ?
Local Publications; None. g
National Societies, D.A.R.), c/o lbs. George W. Smith, McElroy Street,` Q
Morganfiold. Founded 1922. Regent, lhs, Virgo Givens, Uniontown. ’@
Secretary, Mrs. George W. Smith, Terms expire May, 1943. §
Membership; 22. Open to lineal descendants of Revolutionary War soldiers. lg
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