ment of Kentucky; National American Legion Auxiliary), c/o Mrs. Ruby‘Brown, Q
Court Street, Morganfield. Founded 1954. President, lhs. Roby Brown, ‘ g
Telephone 92. Secretary, lhs. Betsy Stoll, Morgan Street, Morganfield, g
Telephone 257. Terms expire June, 1942. g
Membership: '40, Open to wives, mothers, sisters or daughters of American i
Legion members. §
Committees; Rehabilitation, Mrs. Francis Tucker; Child Welfare, Mrs. ~§
Sara Clements; Reemployment, Mrs. D. C. Donan, all of Merganfield. Q »
Purpose: Promotion of child welfare, assisting needy veterans and their Q
families . ·  
. S
Normal Civie_Activities: Cooperating in all community activities, par- g—
ticularly Red Cross work. ·§
_ Defense Activities: Engaged in Red Cross Assistance. Training for Sewing .E
and Preparation of Surgical Dressings, First Aid, Family Social Service Q
in Industrial Areas, Child Care. Interested in Hospital and Clinical As- gg
sistance, Entertainment,Recreation, Library Service, Collecting Books. ag
Local=Publications: None. }§
AMERICAN LEGION AUXILIARY, RIDDLE UNIT #106 (American Legion Department ig
of Kentucky; National American Legion Auxiliary),_American Legion Hut, ;§
Sturgis. Founded l920. President, Miss Lucy Dyer, Washington Street, $§
Sturgis, Telephone 7l. Secretary, Miss Helen Sizemore, Adann Street, Qi
Sturgis,Telephene 187. Terre expire August, 1942. i§
» ·  ii?
Membership; 7l. ‘Open to wives, daughters, mothers and sisters of Amer- ig
ican Legion members. »i A Q
Committees: Publicity, Miss Lila Holt, Sturgis. QE
Purpose: Aid to disabled veterans and child welfare. gl
Normal~CivicmAntiyities: None. ` ” A‘ §
. Q2£ense;Aetivities: Engaged in Red Cross Assistance, Sewing and Prepara- ig
° tion of Surgical Dressings. Interested in Hospital and Clinical Assistance. gg
Local Publications: None, §
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