§ AMERICAN RED CROSS, STURGIS CHAPTER (American National Red Cross), c/o
Q H. D. Holt, Dedman Building, Sturgis. Founded 1914. Chairman, H. D. —
Q Holt, Telephone 57. Secretary, Olean Poindexter, Sturgis News, Tele-
le phone l. Terms indefinite,
Q Membership: 3CO. Open to persons financially interested in sustaining
i activities of Red Cross.
il Committees: Sewing, Mrs. Fred Alloway; Knitting, Mrs. A. L. Holt; Roll
{ Call, Mrs. Charles Christian, all of Sturgis.
-§ ( Eurpese: Emergency assistance in tires of war and disaster.
li Normal Civic Activities; Sewing, knitting and emergency relief.
il Defense Activities: Engaged in Red Cross Assistance, First Aid, Collect-
y ing Books. interested in Motor Corps Service, Ambulance Service, Collec-
Q tion of Scrap Metals and Other Lbtals.
gl Local Publications; None.
> Main Street, Morganficld. Founded 1912. Chairman, J. Earle Bell, Capi-
‘i tel Hotel, Morganfield, Telephone 395. Secretary, Francis Trumbo, Mor-
i ganfield, Telephone 255. Executive Secretary, lbs. Nell K. Funk, Mor- ·
_ ganfield. Terms expire August, 1942. y
T Membership; 625. Open to contributors of_onc dollar or more annually.
yi Coranttees: Roll Call, Freeman Tucker; First Aid, Phil Richards; Ener-
{_ geney:_Hrs. Kirby Crowell; Loan Closet, lbs. Fred Gilbert, all of Mor-
J ganfield; Disaster, Sam Hughes, Uniontown.
QQ Purpose; To give assistance during major disasters.
QQ Normal Civic Activities; Social welfare.
3Q Defense Activities; Engaged in Sewing and Preparation of Surgical Dress-_
if ings, Red Cross Assistance, First Aid. p
li Local Puelicatiens: None. *
if BAPTIST TRAINING UNION (Southern Association B.T.U.) Baptist Church, y
yl Sturgis. Founded 1920, Director, Miss Ruth Williams, Sturgis, Telephone A
{L B9. Executive Secretary, S. C. Collins, Sturgis, Telephone 70. Terms j
if expire September, l9%2. I ·· . V i
Q? Membership: 75. Open to members of Daptist Church. ·` 1
it _ Epnmdtteesg None. · Vi ,
5. 1
 il J