Biography Depicts First
Of Our Emancipated Sex
First Lady of the Revolution" by
Katharine Anthony (Doubleday
258 pp. $3.95) is a factual account
( l the life of Mercy Otis Warren,
first lady of the revolution." The
Kernel reviewer is Jean


And The Colonel9
Features Danny Kaye

riiiLir cox

Germans (the colonel had to go
back for his girl), and sometimes
in front of them (but not very far
ahead). Kaye tells the colonel tu
has one of the "finest minds of
the Twelfth Century" when the
colonel tells him that death is all
right as long as it is honorable.
Just how this refugee saves himself and the colonel from an honorable death is one of the funniest
and most touching stories in many

"Me And The Colonel" features
Danny Kaye as a Polish Jew and
Curt Jurgens as a Polish colonel
drawn together by the fact that
Kaye has the car the colonel needs
to escape before the German advance into France. And the colonel
is the driver which Kaye needs to
drive his car.
helplessness. The tasks outlined in
The result is a flight across
these pages are too great for the
the a movie.
least-bus- y
teacher, not to mention France, sometimes behind
the one with classes totalling 400
or more students.
gives, at random,
This book
many helpful aids, for the imedprovement of the present-da- y
ucational system. But as a whole,
Dr. LcFevre's ideality is just that:
an ideal, not presently destined
land during World War II. In
for success.
"The Perfect Furlough" is almost 1941 England was pretty low on
Dr. LeFevre brings out many
good points, but his entire ap- a perfect film, and most assuredly fins and snorkels, and Italy had
proach is too idealistic. He is ask- film comedy at its best. It is a a perfectly despicable hobby exwalk- blowing up all their ships with
ing the impossible of teachers al- slick package of tricks and a
ready overloaded with work, in ing, talking edition of the "Best plosive slugs and tubes.
When England got mad enough
overfrom Playboy." About as risque
they unleashed their dormant
as the board will
Lt. Crabbe, on the
especi- superman.
The acting is
To a great extent, partly because
pros Keenan Wynn, enemy. By thumbing his nose at
of the book's brevity, the author ally from old
Elaine Stritch, and Harvey Jones. every rule and regulation (the only
Janet Leigh is suave, but hubby way to "really get along" in this
Tony Curtis sports the wrong old world) he gives Britain a
He looks several "finest hour." Lots and lots of
shade make-uyears dead. With "Perfect Fur- water and nice acting by Laurence
lough" and "Auntie Mame" float- Harvey.
"Bell. Book, and Candle" doesn't
ing around, you'd hardly guess how
sick, sick, sick we are, would you? quite hit the mark, but is a good
"Stranger in my Arms" is a cor- spook spoof with fine character
paign, "the last hurrah." And ruption of the book "Ride a Tiger" acting, lush settings, and magnificampaign by Robert ("Written on the Wind") cent photography by Academy
since the
would soon be "as extinct as the Wilder. It nullifies the happy con- Award winner James Wong Howe.
dodo," he thinks Adam should cluding thought of the previous Off the beaten track.
join him for the whole show.
Donald has whomped up one
by corny
The film is hampered
color, and big, fat Oedipus complex that resatires, black and white
Jeffrey Hunter who subscribes to solves itself when he blows his
the quivering lower lip school of brains out in the middle of the
acting. In fact the book was much Pacific. It takes June Allyson, Jeff
better, but the book didn't have Chandler, Sandra Dee and Conrad
feels that he would rather
Nagel many minutes to crack Mom Capote
Spencer Tracy.
Mary Astor's possessive armor. write novels than plays.
Asked whether he might adapt
When they do, it isn't nice to
his new book, "Breakfast at Tifwatch.
Unsound psychologically, fany's," for Broadway where he
"Stranger in My Arms" will pull has been represented previously
women at matinee time. As by "The Grass Harp" and "House
it but who between them teach the in thewill obviously refute the pic- of Flowers," Capote said:
unsure, doubting George that life they
"I don't like to do plays because
thesis, they will have a good
is more than he has ever guessed: ture's
inI don't like cooperative efforts. I
a bath of tears and
Medical science may be irrelevant time in
prefer a solo venture, for which
to its preservation, the will to life dignation.
"The Silent Enemy" was the I would get all the credit or
is essential, and anyway, it must
frogman in relation to Eng blame."
be prized for its own irreplaceable Italian

'Christian Teacher
Too Brief Idealistic

She achieved her success partly
hrrause of her excellent education.
Her father permitted Merey to

ftudy the same subject which his
Turn was being taught.
She was reared in an atmosphere
Shakespeare, Milton, Pope,
Homer and Virgil. She began to
write several poems, tragedies and
r tires. She provided a laugh here
tnd there to a
She had an undying devotion to
her husband and an adoration of
her five sons. She was good friends
with John Adams and he was the
cne who urged her to write her
first published satirical verse. "The
fiquabble of the Sea Nymphs."
the Boston Tea Party.
years were sad
Her declining
fnes, for her brother had become
insane. The deaths of her sons left
her lonely and In despair.
She worked hard for indepen- tknre in America and gave help
where she was needed. Thus is told
(hr story of an unsung heroine of
the Revolution.
Katherine Anthony's vivid and
lively narrative makes the book a
treasure you won't want to miss.



Lexington Movies


Author Katherine Anthony depots Mercy Oils Warren as one of
(he first in a line of this country's
rmancipated women, such as Susan
n. Anthony.
The biography is woven around
the war for independence and the
lile of the colonists during this
I ( riod of American history.
born in 1728, the
Mercy was daughter of a Whig squire
f Barnstable, Mass. She married
im eminent general, James War-it- n.




"The Christian Teacher,"
Perry LeFevre (Abingdon 163 pages
$2.75) presents a plan for the development of a strong Christian
theology of education.
The Kernel's reviewer is Kaye
Martin, Journalism Junior from
Rockport, Ind.
The present method of teaching
could be reappraised.
should be encouraged to participate
in class discussions and do some
thinking on their own. Good literature serves as a guide for actual
experience and teachers should
strive to better understand students
and their problems. These things
are practical and the author's discussion of these points is worth
thoughtful reading.
One finishes a chapter of this
book, however, with a feeling of

'The Perfect Furlough'
Is Nearly Perfect Film

top-notc- h,

'The Last Hurrah
Boasts Spencer Tracy

18, 1939- -5


old-fashion- ed

"The Last Hurrah" is now flashing the largest collection since
Robin Hood of lovable old crooked
politicians across the theater screens in the Lexington area.
deals with Mayor
The. film


Tracy) who tells his nephew Adam
Caulficld (Jeffrey Hunter) that
he intends to make his last cam

Capote Prefers
Novels To Plays

Fascists, Love And Two People
As this novel opens. George has
"The Watch That Ends the
Nipht." by Hugh MacLennan Just got a phone call from Jerome.
Scribners $3.95) is a novel of The Fascists hadn't killed him
poignant suspense. The reviewer alter all.
is W. G. Rogers.
Jerome has returned to MonWhen George married Catherine, treal to a questionable welcome
d from George, whose benefactor he
hi knew two things that she
an illness that might kill had been; from Harry whose wife
her any minute, and that her once he had seduced, from people who
tr rr.pestuous love for Jerome had don't want him talking about his
aimed down a great deal by the and their political vagaries during
tirr.e he went to join the Spanish the depression.
1 cyalists and to die.
MacLennan is telling a story of
two contrasting people, healthy
Jerome who evades death and
Poles Kate U. S.
sickly Catherine who also evades

Writers 'Good'


MasLennan teaches at McGill,
and this is a Canadian, not a
United States, novel, of an older,
more sedate pattern. It's not only
traditional but conservative in its
form, its even and sure flow of
sound writing, and its impassioned
belief in the irreducibility of life.


WARSAW (AP) Poland's writ- rs have voted books by Ernest

Hemingway, William Faulkner,
Thornton Wilder and Boris
their favorite reading
through 1958.
Inclusion of Pasternak's novel
' Doctor
Zhivago" near the top of
Ihe poll demonstrated the continuing fight of Polish writers for independence and their disdain, often
expressed in private conversation
here, for Soviet action in forcing
the author to decline the Nobel


Listed were "For Whom the Bell
Tolls." by Hemingway, recently
made available in translation here
after being banned for many years;
"Wild Palms." a 1939 colection of
Khort stories by Faulkner; "The
Ides of March," by Wilder and
"Zhivago." The latter has never
been published in Poland although
foreign copies are available.

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