556              THE CITY

  HANNOCK. [Interrupts.] Damned unwilling

charity - he was afraid -

  GEORGE. We won't go into the story of your

mother - [HANNOCK wnnces.] I've tried to treat

you as I would a - brother who was unlucky -

somebody I was glad to give a hand to -

  HANNOCK. [Interrupting.] Well, haven't I

made good What complaints have you -

  GEORGE. [Going on.] You've been of the

greatest service to me in every way. There's

no question about that! But it's time for us

now to open a new pack, and each go his own


  HANNOCK. [Thunderstruck.] What's that you


  GEORGE. I'm going to offer you a fixed yearly

income, - a sum we'll agree on, - and you're

to get a job elsewhere, that's all -