I want to, in spite of you -and the whole

family, if necessary, -but I wanted to give you

the chance to stand by me - [Her voice falters,

and she turns away; she cries.] I felt you

wouldn't, but I wanted you to, and that's why

- I've come here now - and let you - humili-

ate me - in this - way. I wanted my own

brother to sympathize with me, to help me.

Everybody will follow your lead!

  GEORGE. [Goes to her, and puts his arms about

her.] Cis! I can't tell you how sorry I am!

Not since father died have I felt as I do now.

I've nothing to gain or lose except your affec-

tion, dear girl, and your happiness, so you can

believe me when I say this marriage can't be -

    [She pushes his arm away and faces him.

  CICELY. [Literal and absolutely unconvinnced or

frightened.] Why not