578               THE CITY

what I'm going to tell you, if you like. God

keep me from ever having to tell her!

  [After a look straight at HANNOCK, he looks at

    CICELY very seriously. She responds to

    his look, impressed by it, and turns her eyes

    to HANNOCK. Neither quite understands, but

    each feels the depth of seriousness in GEORGE'S


  HANNOCK. [Doggedly to CICELY.] Go on.

  CICELY. [To HANNOCK.] I'll wait there for

you. Don't do anything without me. I'm so

sorry my brother takes this attitude! Don't

think it can influence me, any more than the

disgraceful way you've always been treated

here has; nothing they say can change me

toward you, Fred!              [She leaves them.

  GEORGE. I didn't want to have to tell you

this. I'd rather almost die than have to tell