588              THlE CITY

  GEORGE. Poor little woman! little sister!

Why did this have to be! I wonder if this is

what they call the sins of the fathers 

  [He carries her out of the room, Left, followed by

    ELEANOR. HANNOCK, the moment they are

    gone, makes a movement. FOOT at once

    covers him with the pistol.

  HANNOCK. Give me that pistol!

  FOOT. No, sir.

  HANNOCK. Name your own price I

  FOOT. Miss Cicely's life back, sir!

  HANNOCK. You're against me too, are you!

Every one's against me!

                         [GEORGE comes back.

  GEORGE. [Taking the pistol from FOOT.]

Thank you. Now, telephone, and ask them to be

quick, please.

  FOOT. Shall I come back, sir