GEORGE. But you're going to live, mother,

and you'll see we'll make you happy yet!

  MRS. RAND. Not here! You can't do it

yourself! Bert says you have given up running

for governor, and Tess says everything's off

between you and Eleanor. I don't have to be

told how disappointed and unhappy you are,

and Tess's made a miserable mess of it! And

now, Cicely, the baby of you all!-killed,

like this! [She breaks down into hysterical sob-

bing.] It's more than I can bear! I tell you,

children, I can't bear it! And it's all thanks

to coming here! ! This is what we get for not

doing what your father wished. Why didn't we

stay home I amounted to something there.

I had as much sense as my neighbors. I could

hold my own! Here, I've been made to under-

stand I was such a nonentity - that I've grown