628               THE CITY

good, the good in us will win! If the bad is

strongest, God help us! Don't blame the City!

She gives the man his opportunity; it is up to

him what he makes of it! A man can live in a

small town all his life, and deceive the whole

place and himself into thinking he's got all the

virtues, when at heart he's a hypocrite! But

the village gives him no chance to find it out, to

prove it to his fellows - the small town is too

easy ! But the City !! / A man goes to the gates

of the City and knocks! - New York or Chicago,

Boston or San Francisco, no matter what city so

long as it's big, and busy, and selfish, and self-

centred. And she comes to her gates and takes

him in, and she stands him in the middle of her

market place - where Wall Street and Herald

Square and Fifth Avenue and the Bowery, and

Harlem, and Forty-second Street all meet, and

there she strips him naked of all his disguises