630              THE CITY

  MRS. RAND. What about our clothes

  TERESA. I'll attend to everything in the


              [TERESA and DON go out together.

  MRS. RAND. I think I'd rather be alone with

you, George, to-night, if the things are off be-

tween you and Eleanor. At a time like this,

there is no excuse for her going back on you -

  GEORGE. Hush, mother! You don't under-

stand. She has every excuse. I'll tell you

about it afterward.

  MRS. RAND. No, tell her for me not to stop.

I wanted her, because I thought she loved you

- and was to be one of us - that's all! [Enter

ELEANOR.] Thank you for coming back, Elea-

nor, but good night. George will explain.

                                [She goes out.

  ELEANOR. What is the matter with your