` 1
A- ··-· l ,
~'°·';' l l ‘ a standing of 1.0 in all previous college work. In other respects, th
the requirements and conditions of transfer are the same as for C]
. Kentucky students. a1
Written applications for admission with advanced standing tl
g should be submitted to the Registrar’s Office on forms furnished by if
  _ that office.
’ L
Admission as a Special Student C,
A graduate of another university or college may enter the Uni- O
versity as a special student. Any other person may be admitted as a is
special student provided he is fully prepared to do the work de- tj
sired and provided he is at least twenty—one years of age.* ta
Before a special student can become a candidate for a degree D
he must have his status changed to that of a regular student. This il
l may be done in one of two ways: Y
1. Satisfying the entrance requirements for admission to the
freshman class. r
2. Completing in residence sixty-seven credits with a standing ;
of at least 1.5 in all work attempted. (
A special student is eligible to take any course for which he has I
satisfied the prerequisites except one numbered 200 or above. c
r . Admission as an Auditor
By payment of the required fees any person may be admitted 1
to a class or classes as an auditor. A student regularly enrolled in 1
any college must apply to the Dean of the College in which he is ¤
registered in order to be an auditor. Other persons should apply `
to the Registrar’s Office for admission. No credit can be given for
a class audited, nor is the student permitted an examination for ·
credit. No instructor is authorized to admit an auditor to any of
; g his classes except on presentation of an auditor’s card from the
  ‘ Registrar’s Office.
i i Admission to Colleges and The Graduate School
  College of Arts and Sciences. Admission to this college is gov-
I erned by the general admission requirements of the University
• outlined on the preceding pages.
i College of Agriculture and Home Economics. Admission to this
{ *1] college is governed by the general admission requirements of the
  University outlined on the preceding pages.
l College of Engineering. In addition to meeting the general ad-
. mission requirements of the University, outlined on the preceding
pages, the applicant for admission to the freshman class of the
College of Engineering must rank in the upper three-fourths on
'An exception to the age requirement may be made in the case of a
veteran of World War II who has demonstrated, through tests and per-
` sonal interviews, his ability to do the work desired.
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