D€_ *Taylor, Edgar Lee, D.V.M., Assistant Veterinarian, Agricultural
Experiment Station
1001 Taylor, Rhea Alec., M.A., Instructor in History
V Taylor, Roberta S., M.S., Instructor in Home Economics
Jaw Taylor, William Septimus, M.S., Ph.D., LL.D., Professor of Educa-
' tion; Dean of the College of Education
Tenney, Dwight, Chem.E., Part-time Lecturer in Engineering _
Terrell, Daniel Voiers, C.E., Dean of the College of Engineering I
l€ti_ Terrell, Willis Granville, Assistant in Feed Laboratory, Emeritus,
Agricultural Experiment Station
Terry, George Sylvester, M.A., Bacteriologist, Public Service
Laboratories, Agricultural Experiment Station ,
my *Terry, Taylor Rankin, B.S. in M.E., Instructor in Mechanical
ani_ Engineering
. Thaxton, Robert, M.S., Assistant Agronomist, Agricultural Experi-
rmg ment Station i
Thomas, Ruth E., M.A., Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Commerce I
. Thompson, Lawrence S., M.A., Ph.D., Director of University
*131 Libraries
Threlkeld, Dorothy Elizabeth, B.S. in H.E., Field Agent in Home `
DS _ Economics, Agricultural Extension Division  
‘ y Tiller, Garnet Louis, M.A., Instructor in Mathematics
, Tilson, Howard Gilbert, M.S. in Agr., Nursery Inspector, Depart-
Hgh ment of Entomology and Botany, Agricultural Experiment
Bm _ Todd, Anne, B.S., Seed Analyst, Department of Entomology and
Botany, Agricultural Experiment Station
Todd, Arlie C., M.S., Ph.D., Parasitologist, Department of Animal
°f Pathology, Agricultural Experiment Station
' Tolman, William Allen, M.A., Associate Professor of Economics [
?mg· Toombs, Frances P., M.A., Instructor in English _
_ Toran, William, M.A., Instructor in English i
mcs Townsend, Arlie L., M.A., Instructor in Physics, College of
T Of Pharmacy i
1 Townsend, Lee Hill, M.S., Ph.D., Professor of Agricultural
Drk- Entomology ?
Trimble, Ernest Greene, Ph.D., Professor of Political Science ,
and Trinkaus, Louis J., M.A., Instructor in English I
Trolinger, Nancy C., M.A., Speech and Dramatics, University F
ural School  
Truitt, Jack Paschal, M.A., Agriculture, Lafayette High School il
*Trumbo, Charles Randolph, A.B., Instructor in English  
tant Tucker, Charles E., Part-time Instructor in Anatomy and Physiology '
)TC Tucker, H. B., M.A., Research Assistant, Bureau of School Service
·sitY "Fucker, Willis Carleton, M.A., Associate Professor of Journalism {
* See appended list of changes of status, p. 439. V