` Turner, Earl K., Research Assistant, Bureau of Business Research W?
Turner, Mildred S., A.B., Head Resident of Patterson Hall W?
, Tuthill, Edward, M.A., Ph.D., Professor of History, Special WZ
. Assignment WZ
Tuthill, Richard Lovejoy, M.A., Ed.D., Associate Professor of
Geography Wi
Tuttle, Franklin Elliott, M.A., Ph.D., Professor of Chemistry, W‘
Special Assignment W‘
Tuttle, Margaret Helmsing, A.B., B.S. in L.S., Department Librarian, W‘
University Library
Tyler, Earl Thane, A.B., Instructor in English
l Ubben, John H., M.A., Ph.D., Assistant Professor of German W'
Language and Literature W‘
_ *Udall, Robert Hovey, D.V.M., Assistant Veterinarian, Agricultural
l ` Experiment Station W'
" Valleau, William Dorney, Ph.D., Professor of Plant Pathology;
Pathologist, Department of Agronomy, Agricultural Experi- W`
ment Station _,
*Vandenbosch, Amry, Ph.D., Professor of Political Science, Head nv
of the Department of Political Science *
*Vanlandingham, Kenneth Earl, M.A., Instructor in Political V
I Science
Vaughn, Erle Cleveland, A.B., Field Agent in Improved Seed W
Production, Agricultural Experiment Station W
Veal, Harlan Hale, B.S. in Agr., Agriculture, Versailles High
School W
Vennes, Leon Angus, M.S., Assistant Professor of Marketing; Field
Agent in Department of Markets and Rural Finance, Agri- W
cultural Experiment Station
· Vice, Keith R., B.S., Assistant in Farm Management, Agricultural W
Experiment Station W
*Von Holle, Alvin E., Captain, U. S. Army, Associate Professor of
Military Science and Tactics W
Wachs, Elizabeth, Technician in Animal Nutrition, Agricultural W
Experiment Station
*Wakefield, Joyce, B.S., Instructor in Physical Education , W
Walker, Charles R., M.A., M.S., Part—time Instructor in History
*Walker, William Russell, M.S., Field Agent in Dairying, Agri- W
fj cultural Extension Division
' Wall, Bennett Harrison, M.A., Ph.D., Assistant Professor of History VR
Wall, Maurice Stanley, B.S. in Agr., Instructor in Agricultural
Education H
Wallace, Elizabeth, B.S., Assistant Bacteriologist, Department of
Animal Pathology, Agricultural Experiment Station Vs
Waltman, Clair Smith, M.S., Ph.D., Professor of Horticulture?
Associate Horticulturist, Agricultural Experiment Station _
* See Ezpended list of changes of status, p. 439.