n \ Wightman, Ernest Thomas, M.S., Associate Professor of Poultry
Husbaindry, Assistant in Poultry Husbandry, Agricultural
Experiment Station
Wild, Raymond Wesley, A.B., Ph.M., Director of Public Relations;
· Part-time Assistant Professor of Journalism
Wilford, Edward James, M.S. in Agr., Professor of Animal
Husbandry; in charge of Meats Laboratory; Assistant in H¤
· Animal Husbandry, Agricultural Experiment Station
Willson, Louise, M.A., Third Grade, University School L1
Wilmore, Helen, M.S. i·n H.E., Assistant Professor of Home A1
Economics M
Wilson, Goldie M., A.B., Part—time Instructor in Commerce
Wilson, William Clark, B.S. in Agr., Assistant State Agent, County
Agent Work, Agricultural Extension Division JH
- , *Wofford, Azile May, M.S., Associate Professor of Library Science
  *Wood, Kenneth Proctor, M.A., Instructor in Mathematics
Wood, Lynne K., M.S., Ph.D., Spectographer and Research Chemist, Lf
Agricultural Experiment Station Et
Woodall, James Raymond, B.S., Instructor in English
Wooldridge, Charles B., A.B., Instructor in Physics
Wooldridge, Hilda Capablanca, A.B., Instructor in Romance M
Languages Ri
I Wooldridge, Mary Carolyn, M.S., Assistant Professor of Home
Wyant, Zae, M.H.E., M.A., Technician, Department of Animal M
Pathology, Agricultural Experiment Station P2
*Wyatt, Charles Early, B.S. in Agr., Field Agent in Test Demonstra- Id
tions, Agricultural Extension Division M
*Yeardley, Kenneth P., M.S., Part-time Instructor in Mathematics W
Young, Earl Robert, M.S. in Agr. Engr., Associate Professor of M
Agricultural Engineering J€
Young, Harry Maxie, M.S., Field Agent in Farm Management,
Agricultural Extension Division
Young, Henry Clayton, B.S. in C.E., B.S. in Arch., Part-time Je
Instructor in Architectural Engineering
Young, Ruth Theobald, B.S. in L.S., Visiting Instructor in Library *I
Science, Summer Quarter, 1947
Zemp, Gertrude M., Manager of Residence Halls for Women
/7 M
* See appended list of changes of status, p. 439.