Zoology 10la 3 Zoology 101b 3
Bacteriology 103 4 Bacteriology 125 5
Foreign Lang. 3 Foreign Lang. I
;u_ Bacteriology 110a. 3 Bacteriology 110b 8
Anatomy & Phys. 5 Zoology 106 4
”’ T T
n. Chemistry 130a 5 Chemistry 130b 5
In Bacteriology 111 4 Physics L20 2
.8.1 Bacteriology 150a 1 Bacteriology 150b 1
* Bacteriology 120a 4 Bacteriology 120b 6
he Elective (Social Sc.) 3 Elective (Social Sc.) 3 ,
9I" 17 17
of Total credits 135.7, exclusive of Military Science.
xl The elementary courses of the Department of Botany are
Of designed to give the general student a knowledge of the basic
md principles of plant life, to show him the relation of plants to man,
and to give him a better understanding of his environment. These
courses are fundamental to students of agriculture, forestry, and
cal pharmacy and will satisfy part of the pre—medical requirements of
ical most medical schools. The advanced courses lead to an under-
f01` graduate major in botany with emphasis upon morphology, classi-
.wo tication, physiology, and cytogenetics and should be of interest to t
students of applied botanical sciences.
y .
gms The Department of Chemistry provides an opportunity for a
i student to obtain a bachelor’s degree with chemistry as a major
i or the degree of Bachelor of Science in Industrial Chemistry. The
Q) curriculum in industrial chemistry is a prescribed course, designed
__ to train persons who desire to follow chemistry as a profession in
5 the industries or to pursue advanced training in graduate schools.
Under the Topical Field offered by the College of Arts and
5 Sciences, opportunity is provided for the development of programs
5 of those persons who wish to combine training in chemistry with
§ (a) library techniques to fill positions in scientific libraries (b) com-
2 mercial subjects to become salesmen or secretaries for scientific or
7 industrial laboratories (c) home economics subjects to obtain prep-
ster aration for work in the field of foods, textiles, etc., or (d) other
may combinations.