The need for well-trained personnel in the field of Geography
has become increasingly apparent. At the present time three major
. fields of activity utilize the services of competent professional
geographers: Education (Elementary, Secondary, and Collegiate),
if Government (National, State, and City), and Business (Trade,
Transportation, Publishing, etc.), The Department of Geography is _
’ prepared to offer necessary training to students for these economic
activities. l
In addition to the development toward professional geogra-
phers, the Department of Geography contributes directly to the i
fulfillment of the College of Arts and Sciences requirement in .
_ Social Studies (Geography 3a, b). To non-geography majors in ‘
l all colleges of the University the Department of Geography offers
' a wide selection of supplementary and elective courses.
A thorough foundation in all phases of Geography is required
of all department majors. For those who do not wish to become
professional geographers, but desire a major in Geography, courses
in other fields may be substituted after major requirements have
been met. (See Catalog of Courses) Attention is directed to all
’ Social Study disciplines (Anthropology, History, Political Science, (
. Social Work, Sociology) to Geology in the College of Arts and
Sciences; and to related or supplementary courses in the Colleges
of Agriculture, Commerce, Education, and Engineering.
The demand for the professional geologist comes from the need
for geological guidance in the exploitation of the nation’s mineral
l wealth. Its relation to mining and to oil and gas exploration is
such that geological services are indispensable to companies en-
gaged in developing this mineral resource. Opportunities are also
open with state and federal geological surveys, in museum work,
and in college teaching. The Department of Geology is prepared
to equip men and women for such work.
List of Courses for Professional Training in Geology
{ {l *Gg0logy 50a' b-Ou[]jnes Of Geglggy ____ _1_________________________ 6
Geology 30a, h—General Geology _______________ 10
Geology 103,, b—Field Geology _____________________ ____ ___ 6
Geology 107a, b——Advanced Field Geology __ _,,_ _________;_______ 6
Geology l%a, b—Minera.lo,·zy -,..;_______.____________,__.. 6
Geology 106a—Economic Geology ___________  A _____,_ 6
l Geology 1lS—Flelcl Work in Regional Geology (Summer) _.._.._.... 8
l ‘ A sophomore may enter Geo]. 30a, b without taking 50a, b.