l .
in Chamber Music
be Chamber Music ensembles, such as string trios and quartets,
brass sextets, and woodwind ensembles, are organized each year
in to provide additional opportunities in music for instrumental stu-
dents who desire this type of activity.
'ith Participation in Musical Organizations
No student is permitted to participate in the orchestra, concert
the band, glee clubs, or other musical organizations unless he has
met all eligibility requirements for extra-curricular activities.
Special Fees
;ion Special fees for applied music lessons, practice room, organ
and rental, instrument rental and instrumental methods classes are
and listed on page 19.
des. _ _
Om_ The Degree of A. B. 1n Music
; is The degree of A. B. in Music is awarded upon completion of
and a required course of study designed to prepare leaders in com-
munity musical enterprises, and supervisors of musical work in
the schools.
lubs Curricula Leading to the Degree of A. B. in Music
In order that all students ma'orin in music in the College
the _ _
Dear of Arts and Sciences may have an opportun1ty to undertake a
gear uniform basic course of study before choosing definitely the pro- '
mes gram they desire to pursue, the Freshman and Sophomore years
of all music curricula are identical.
ggup Note: For special fees for Applied Music see p. 19.
Crs. Crs.
ined Music (Applied) a, b G# Music (Applied) c, d 6
Music ?i9a, b or 40a, b * Music 33a, b 8
l S8- Humanities 6 Music 39c, d or 400, d *
>pOI._ Flnglish la, b 6 Physical Science 6-8
_ Loreign Language G Military Science 4a, b 4
This Military Science 3a, b 4 Social Science 6-8
, Physical Education 0 Biological Science 6-8
WIDE Orientation 1 Elective (Women) 3
Music 12a, b 4 Physical Education 0
llygicnc 9 2
\Vomen 31 Men 35 Wonien 35 Men 36
and * One credit allowed for orchestra and glee club when taken during the
' _ S3.l`ll& S9H]€Sl',E`:1`.
Y m _ #_T\vo credits per semester required in major field; one credit required
Dying m minor field or fields. Total credits required for graduation: 24 hrs. in
‘ W9 lll9~JUI` and 12 hrs. in the minor.