Acknowledgements Activities ......_____
....._........_ 263
________________ 93
___________________ 155
....._____________ 175
____.......... 158
__________ 202-T!03
_____________ 218-219
............. 220-221
Alpha Tau Omega ________________......... 222-223
Alpha Xi Delta   _............................ 206-207
Alpha Zeta ............................................- 152
Art Club ......______......___________________ 174
A. S. C. E.............._............------------- 176
A. S. M. E.........__................_______________ 177
Athletics ___________________________________ 94-113
Delta Chi
Agriculture Council
A. I. E. E......._________
Alpha Chi Sigma .....
Alpha Delta Pi .........
Alpha Gamma Rho Alpha Sigma Phi .....
Baptist Student Union
Beauty Queens ...................._______________ 16-23
Austin _____________________......_ 23
Clardy ______________________.............._ 19
Gooding _____________________________________ 21
Johnson ----------------------- 17
Rehm __________..............______________ 18
Theiss ..............................................._ 20
Thompson ______________________________ 22
Block and Bridle ................___________ 154
Board of Student Publications .......... 138
Board of Trustees
Chi Omega _________________________ 208
Choristers ........________________------------ 134
Classes ..................____........ 30-91, 248-255
Seniors ......__________________________ 30-64
Juniors ............._____....................... 66-91
Sophomores .............................. 248-250
Freshmen .................................. 250-256
Concert Band ........................._.............. 129
Cwens ........................................................ 157
DairyClub .
Deans _______
Dean Jones Dedication
179 . 10 246
_ 3
224-225 210-211
Delta Delta Delta____
Delta Tau Delta ___________________..... 226-227
Donovan, President ........____________ 8
Dutch Lunch Club _________________ 196
Fall Festival ........................................_ 153
4-H Club ___________________________________ 189
Freshman Club ......____________________ 195
Hamilton House .........................._______ :
Home Economics Club ........_................ 181
Housemothers ________........__............ 247
In Memoriam ________________.......... 4-5
Johnson, Governor Keen ........................ 9
Junior-Senior Fellowship Group ...... 193
228-229 212-213 ....... 158
K-Club _______________________
Kappa Alpha -.......................
Kappa Delta ........._...............
Kappa Delta Pi ___..........____
Kappa Kappa Gamma ................ 214-215
Kappa Sigma .................................. 230-231
Kentuckian ........_.......................... 139-142
Kentucky Engineer .............................. 146
....... 143-145
________ 147
______ 159
9      Kentucky Kernel
Kentucky Law Journal Keys____
Lamp and Cross .....
Lances ----------........
Marching Band . McDowell House Men's Glee Club
_ 161
_______,______ 182
________________ 132
Military Department     ......________ 116-123
Pershing Rifles .....________124
Scabbard and Blade ______......_______ 125
Mortar Board ......______________162
Most Outstanding Seniors ............._______ 27
Music Department _......___________ 127-135
Newman Club________
Norwood Mining Society
Omicron Delta Kappa _ Outing Club______
Pan-Hellenic Council Personalities_____
Phi Alpha Theta
Phi Beta ___________
Phi Delta Theta . Phi Kappa Tau .
Philharmonic .____
Phi Mu Alpha .....
Phi Upsilon Omicron
Pitkin Club _
Poultry Club ________
Shelby House___
Sigma Alpha Epsilon Sigma Chi_______
Sigma Gamma Epsilon
Sigma Nu________
Sigma Pi Sigma ___________
163 185
_____ 201
... 24-26
....... 164
------- 165
232-233 234-235
_____ 131
_______ 135
....._ 166
______ 197
_ 186
-- 236-237
-- 238-239
_ 240-241
Sophomore Commission ....._.........._ 194
Student Government Assn......... 150-151
Student Union Board____173
Table of Contents
Tau Beta Pi_____
Tau Sigma .............
Theta Sigma Phi _ Triangle ___________
171 170 169
Women's Athletic Association......... 190
Who's Who ...........______________________ 172
Women's Glee Club .........._______133
Y.M.C.A. Senior Cabinet ________________ 191
Y.W.C.A. Senior Cabinet ................__ 192
Zeta Beta Tau ______________...... 244-245
Zeta Tau Alpha _________________ 216-217
..212 ....66
Abbett, Ann Preston ............
Abell, James Edward ____________
Adams, David .............__________________________240
Adams, James Eli -------------------.....---------240
Adams, Jane Elizabeth ........................206
Adams, Martha Ray ................30, 201.208
Adams, Nancy ..........................................206
Adams, Ollis ...................._________30
Adams, Perry R. _______________________135
Adams, Samuel M...........................66, 234
Adams, Troy E. ______________________66, 226
Aicken, Jack E.____....._______________30
Akers, Dee Ashley ........._______________66
Akers, Marvin L.............................150, 160
Aldrich, Elizabeth ____.............157, 165, 192
Aldridge, Doris Jeane ............30, 142, 188
Allen, Anna Mae ._...........................66, 182
Allen, Bette Anne _________________________________202
Allen, Elizabeth Ann __________________________214
Allen, John Lewis, Jr.....__................238
Allen, Leonard B.............30, 135, 154, 218
Allen, Martha Jane ------------------------------206
Allen, Mary Zou _______________..........-30
Allen, Rozella __________________.....................182
Allen, Virginia__......66, 216
Alverson, Mary Elizabeth ............_______214
Amato, Salvator Joseph ......................234
Ament, Betty______206
Ammons, Robert J.................125, 144, 163
Anderson, Alice K........._............._66
Anderson, Maurice Ford ......................218
Anderson, Sarah ......66, 151, 188. 201, 208
Angle, Dorothy P.....................30, 166, 180
Arnold, Hazel Clay _______________206
Arnold, Helen R................._________________204
Arnspiger, Richard Fall ......................236
Atkins, Joe Frank ............................30, 125
Atchison, John_____........151, 232
Aulick, Bernadine ..........................-66, 188
Austin, Ann ..................................23, 30, 210
Austin, Wanda M.....31, 162. 165, 172. 212 Avent, Betty ____________.....................______66
Bach, Byron _________
Bach, Frances ...........
Bach, Mary Eleanor Bailey, Anna Mae ... Bailey, George T......
___33. 240
Baird, Derwood M._______................66
Baker, Esther May ............._..........._67
Baker, Helen M.___________180
Baker, June____________141, 144
Baker, Merl ________________141, 144
Baker, Rebecca Jane ____________31, 187
Baker, Ruth__________________216
Baker, William Dudley____.............236
Ball, Ruth Audrey .................._______......187
Ballard, Leonard W....._____............228
Ballard, Mary Ruth _________________182
Ballou, George William ._....................236
Balthasr, Martha Jean _________........___204
Balz, Charles R.___,______________240
Banahan, Steve J., Jr. _____________228
Bandy, Jane .............._________________208
Bannon, Ida May _______________________206
Bardwell, N. R., Jr......____31
Barker, George Edwin ________________145, 160
Barlow, Billy K.................__________240
Barlow, William P. _________........_____240
Barnes. C. Edwin ............67, 140, 144, 238
Barnett, Eugene B.....................____67, 218
Barnhill, Lelia Frances ..........______67, 210
Barr, Stewart Frank ______________218
Barron,  Ann__________208