— *= 4 ··  
, Free and Accepted Masons, Paintsville Lodge #38l(Continued) »
Normal Civic Activities: aiding in the support of Masonic Homes and local - E
charitable organizations. · __ A_Y‘ {
Defense_Kctivities: Interested in Consumer Protection Activities. y
· Local Publications; 1None. . " ‘“ Q · _ _ ¥
JOHNSON CCUTTY BAR ;SSOCIATlON c o Hrs. Ruth Wells Paintsville.'Founded 1924. ?
3 I _ N  
President, John Q Thceler, Paintsville. Telephone lll. Secretary, Mrs. duth j»
“L. Hells. Telephone 554_ Terms indefinite. g
' Membership; 180 Open teVall qualified lawyers of good status. g
Conmitteos: None reported. I Q
Pur eee: Maintenance of hirh standards in leoal oraetics. E
________ ____ 0 . L1 . l.  ,4.
‘ t
Normal Civic Activities: None reported. V — Q
Defense netivities: None reperted.. .i‘ _` J V , §
. ·· , V  §<
Local Putliéationsz None. V ~ , r 4 Q
l JOHNSON CCULTY 4-H CLUB (State and National 4*H Clubs), Post Office Building, Q
‘ Paintsville. Founded 1925 . President, Lildred Hicks, VanLear. Secretary, g
P Lena Drurhaw, Oil Springs. Terms indefinite. Home Demonstration Agent, Grace Q
‘ Larnes, Paintsville. Telephone 559. , . :U`H'" — l `§
Hembcrshipz 11oQL Qu;lifications,_anv rural bev or girl between the isps of it
9 and 2l yuars. . J l" ‘ - y s
Committees: 4-H Club Advisory Council, J, H; Friil, Pairtsville. -. Q
Purpose: Education in agriculture and homo econxmics for young people in rural .§
sections plus training in good citizenship. · Q
z Normal Civic getivitiesz None. ?
Defense getivitieszd Interested in Sewing and Preparation of Surgical Dress- §
_ inrs Fiist Lid Collection of Scrap Ietals and Other lbtalsl Collectin: Books. —§
p _ Q 3 3 ,_ , 3 , _; 
Local Publications; Zone. A ` U {
JOHNSON COUZTY HO`EEQIETS ;SSOQl;llCZ (State and National Homemakers Feder— ii N
xtion, P; O. Building, Paintsvillc.'Fouided 1936. President, Irs. Forrest Q
Lemaster, Gtaffordsville. Secretary, Irs. Rrncst.Neal, Paintsville. Terms ¥i
expire Deczmber, l9i2. . yi