  - 5 ..
Q Johnson County Homemskers Association (Continued) _ _ `
i Membership; 250. Open to rural women desirous of dquiring knowledge of heme
5 economics. ‘ T · ‘
E Committees; Eomemskers ndvisory, Irs. Ernest Neel.___ ] i ‘ l.
AE Purpose: To stimulate e desire for better living conditions in members conn;
·@ ittoes. _ i. A . _ ·_ -,‘- s`
Q Fennel Civic Activities; Cooperctcs with Health Department in providing tren-
Q ‘ sportitiin for crippled children.”Spensoring 44H Club in oooh eonnmnity.
E DeSense'Letivities· Engeged in Hospital end Clinical nssistence, Biscussien
      'A '_-  _ . . . ._ • , _ _. _ q · , _ ·
y lcidelr, eeicuncr licecction Activities. Interested in So ing one Preperdtion
,Q of Surgical Dressings, Red Cross gssistdncc, First iid, Preparation and Serv-
S ing of Food, Child Care, Collecting Books.
{ Local Publicetionsz Ione.·i I 2
it hYo I Q;¥]I` TE·1 gn,. , e " ion ucnv hedice- Secic y- 1. E. 4. ·ain‘s-
A JO”"°O 'OL “Y ‘DIC I SOCITTY V t l, ' 1 ' t_, O, I t
y ville. Founded 1915. President, Dr. J. A. Wells, Psintsville. Telephone 118.
{ Secretary, Dr. Augustus Slonc, Peintsvillc. Telephone 252. Terms expire I
p Jenuery, 1945. '
E ._i» lknbership; 15. Open to licensed physicians in good standing tdth the K. H.
g S. and Q- ZL Ju ‘ _ 4 .
E . . , ;» . . .
»l Connittees: Censorship, Dr. M. S. Akin ; Program, Dr. n. D. Slene; Entcrtein—
§ rent, hr, Jincs nrchcr, dll of Psintsvilk:.‘ ' ” re p~ ‘
Q, Purpose; Enprovement of members end betterment of County and State health
§· eonej;Hiens. = I ° · `
Q, Normal Civic Activities: Cooperating with Johnson County Health Department.
F; Defense nctivities: Engaged in Interviewing. Interested in Rod Cross
€¥ issistencc, Child Core, Research lssistence.
ek Local Zublicutions: None. . `Q
v. · -
. 5 KIIQIIS CLIE OF ?;IIT%VILLE (Kiwanis Internetienel), Pointsvillel Founded 1925.
R President, J. D. Vklls, Jr., Pdintsville. ielephoro 10. Secretary, George
§ Brenhen, Peintsville. Telephone 198. Terms expire December, 1942. _ A
  . J [ . J 1 _ , 7 7
{ Hwnbershipg 26. Open to busincssmen,`nonegcrs and executives, lxiitcd to two
= rePresentebives of each profession or business. . n
  I l ‘
l · · · · ·w . .. . ' ,f, .». ' pm "` fi ' `
Cmntitteos: Kiwanis Education, eek Chendleig Inter—Club Reldtirn, pr. M. U.
?!?··?;-·; _ _ , _ ,. 5 . . . ._. T _A__·_,,_ 7, _
- wllmite; ircgrem, H. G. §uey;_Boys ;;e Girls netivities, Jornel Lewis, lub
lie Affairs, U1. Irvin; iublicity, Hstlcr Johnson, all of Peintsville. ~ j