1 6 Y
` Kiwanis Club of Paintsville (Continued)
Purpose; Civic and county improvement. · _'_ V
Normal Civic Lctivities; Cooperating with program for underprivileged children
, local Iealth Department and various civic organizations. —
Defense nctivitics; Engaged in Civilian Aircraft Warning Service, Motor r i
Corps Service, Hospital and Clinical Assistance, Rod Cross Assistance, Pro- ` .
' paration;and'Sorving of Food, Child Care,fCollection of Scrap Metals and I
Other hotels Pecrcation Librarv Service Collectin Books Teachinc Classes ?
J" P J u I ·. 9
in Necharfcal Skills Yeeded in Defense Industries. j
Local Publications; Tone. V M · ‘ “ T Y
ORDER OW EnCT£WI ST41, T;lHTSVlLL3 CH;PTER #520 (Grand Chapter of Kentucky; vi
General Crand Chapter DJ E. S.),'Masonie Hall, Peintsville. Founded 1921. Q
Worthy Vatron, Tre. Clpa Rheclcr, Paintsvillo. Telephone 485. Secretary, _;
Irs.·Louis;_Kay, Paintsvillc. Terrs expire September, l9d5. ` Q
Membership: 120. Qualifications, members must bo_affiliatcd with Masonic ` 5
Ledee or be a wife or dau hter of a Nason. Also Masons. f
Q) .
Committdcsw Refreshnent, Hrs. Sidney Kidd; Sick Irs. Estelena Williams; Dec- §
eration, irs. Leona Howard, all of Paintsvillo. p §
Purpose To give social aid and relief to members needing it. ‘ JA g
Nonnal Civie.kctivities: Cooperating with Red Cross, U} P. A. and local org- Q
anizxtilne in various ways. ` Q
Defense Lctivitios: Enra ed in Red Cross assistance Famili Social Service f
-.......... ... ....._..... .....;.......... ’ __
in industrial Areas. Interested in Motor Corps Service. - {
Local Publications: None. » - i
P;TNTSVllLA G;DD3N CLUB, Paintsville._Founded l@dl. Prosident,·Hrs. E. J. " 1
L Evans, fcintsville. Telephone 25. Secretary, Yrs. J. K. Butcher, Jr., Paints- ;
' ville. Telephone 196. Terms expire February, l915. ._ __, ?
Nembership; Bl. Open to persons interested in gardens of beauty and utility F
` T with willingness to study and work for improvement. J
Connittees: Prowram, and »oar Book Hrs. R. G. Huev· Conservation hrs. F
__ e s J» s _ E
2 Oliver Jenkins; Flower Judging, Ike. H rry .,·. LaViers; Civic, Mrs. E. E. archer; g
Constitution and 3y~Laws, irs. J. 1} Turner, all of Paintsville. < Q
Purpose: Encouragcnont of love for plant lifc._Conscrvation of native gruvdii E
and wild life. nlso local and State scenic beauty. E
· ~  L
L Normal Civic Activities; None reported. < r